Dr Stephen Onakuse
Food Business & Development
University College Cork
Cork University Business School
Cork University Business School
Dr Stephen Onakuse received his early education from Bendel State College of Agriculture, and from the University of Agriculture Abeokuta (Nigeria). Stephen graduated with an MSc in Environmental Biology from the University of Ibadan (Nigeria) and his PhD in Food Science and Technology from University College Cork (Ireland). Stephen continued his study with a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from University College Cork. Stephen is a lecturer in the Department of Food Business & Development and a Research Fellow with the Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods, also at University College Cork. His research areas include the use of indigenous knowledge within communities as focal point of small-scale production interventions; building local capacities and shared knowledge that help sustain food security and livelihoods outcomes; socio-economic and community analysis; understanding the role of institutions in economic development and the processes of institutional change; environment and its impact on food security and the impact of corruption on development. Stephen has spent substantial periods in both sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. He is a member of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) the Network of EU universities engaged in tropical and subtropical food and agriculture research (AGRINATURA) and is a member of the Agris Mundus Consortium - Master of Science in Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Development Studies Association, UK & Ireland (DSA).
Grants and Honours
- 18/05/2022 - Meetings, Incentive, Conference, Exhibitions (MICE) Supports Programme, University College Cork
- 18/02/2020 - Climate Smart Agriculture Research and Innovation Support for Dairy Value Chains in Eritrea, University College Cork
- 30/09/2019 - Completing a framework for cost benefit analysis around the introduction of ICT based technologies on farm, University College Cork
- 08/04/2019 - Teaching/Staff Enterprise Mobility Grant – ERASMUS programme of the European Union and Higher Education Authority, UCC
- 02/01/2019 - Sustainable Production and Consumption: The Influence of Social Norms, Environmental Protection Agency
- 29/08/2017 - Reducing the impact of feedstuff transport by a better utilization of plant wastes for livestock in the dry Mediterranean areas: a way to improve meat quality?, European Union
- 28/08/2017 - Dairy Value chain transformation and smallholder market access challenges in Andhra Pradesh, India, European Union
- 29/08/2015 - Developing Food Value Chains for small and medium scale Cassava Farmers in Nigeria., European Union
- 01/04/2015 - Research Support for African Student, Society of African Mission
- 01/09/2013 - Contract farming and supply chain efficiency for improved market access in Malawi., European Union
- 01/10/2010 - Travel Related projects, European Union
- 01/07/2008 - Agris Mundus MSc in Sustainable Development in Agriculture, European Commission
Other Activities
- 12/12/2022 - 18th RUFORUM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2022
- 06/11/2022 - Climate offsetting is merely a damaging and ineffective accounting trick
- 27/10/2022 - FAO Academia Perspectives Roundtable: Accelerating the transformation to sustainable agrifood systems
- 05/10/2022 - Strengthening Africa’s Agri-food Systems in the Post COVID-19 Era – Opportunities and Challenges. Strengthening Human Capital Development in Africa” Where are we and what are the needed Actions?
- 13/06/2022 - International science-policy event in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- 12/06/2022 - FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2022 on science, technology, and innovation for agrifood systems transformation
- 02/06/2022 - Cork University Business School (CUBS) Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team
- 18/05/2022 - Agrinatura General Assembly and Workshops and Conference 2022
- 06/12/2021 - Conference theme - Theme: Operationalising Higher Education for Innovation, Industrialisation, Inclusion and Sustainable Economic Development in Africa.
- 30/11/2021 - Food waste – A global challenge to sustainable production and consumption
- 22/07/2021 - The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) Food and Agriculture (FAO) of the United Nations
- 06/07/2021 - Agrinatura/FARA/COLEACP Side Event
- 01/07/2021 - Capacity4dev is the European Commission’s knowledge sharing platform for International Cooperation and Development
- 30/06/2021 - The International Conference on Resource Sustainability
- 02/06/2021 - Global Dialogue with Higher Education Networks and selected Actors
- 29/04/2021 - High-Level Virtual Dialogue On Feeding Africa 2021
- 29/03/2021 - Partnerships for People and Planet
- 20/03/2021 - UCC Environmental Society Annual Climate Conference titled 'Lessons from Covid-19 for Transitioning to a Climate Resilient Society
- 04/03/2021 - Africa Europe Strategic Task Force on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
- 16/02/2021 - Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Farm Management and Agribusiness, Carlow Institute of Technology
- 11/01/2021 - Land Use Policy
- 15/04/2020 - Why it’s time to stop blaming governments and look at our own consumption and sustainability
- 16/02/2020 - Living Leeside: 'When I first arrived, I thought this is where God lives'
- 07/09/2019 - Why Irish people must reduce meat and dairy consumption and production to tackle Co2 emissions
- 03/02/2019 - Academic Board of Studies for Bachelor of Agricultural Science (BAgrSc)
- 17/12/2018 - A strategic mind-set shift for African Youth engagement in Agriculture Education. Harnessing the Africa Youth bulge: Innovation, entrepreneurship and agribusiness incubation
- 12/12/2018 - Chair Graduate Studies Committee Annual Review (GSC)
- 23/10/2018 - RUFORUM Biennial Conference in Kenya
- 19/10/2018 - Negotiating the first steps to networking on the international stage
- 01/02/2018 - Federal Government of Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC)
Research Domains
- Decision making and decision support, including DSS
- Enterprise Wide Systems, in particular ERP
- Research Methods in Information Systems
- Mobile computing, especially as it relates to mobile and real time decision support
- Agricultural development through innovative technology practices
- Sustainable livelihoods in Developing Countries
- Food, hunger and nutrition
- Income Distribution and Inequality
- 2017 - Contract farming and supply chain efficiency for improved market access in Malawi., University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2018 - An investigation into the salient barriers to consumer acceptance of Goat milk and its derivatives products in County Mayo, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2018 - An investigation into the salient barriers to the consumer acceptance of Goat milk and its derivatives products in County Mayo, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2017 - An investigation into consumer attitudes to vegetarianism and plant based dieters’ identities in Ireland., University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2015 - Resource orchestration in agribusiness incubators: A comparative analysis of two case studies in Africa, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2016 - An Investigation into Consumer Attitudes Toward Organic Infant Formula in Ireland, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2016 - Does familiarity with a region, as an underpinning construct of the Country of Origin Effect, alter quality perception of the food products from that region – an investigation for County Wexford’, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2016 - The Dynamics of Food Safety Food Safety in the Supply Chain of the Retail Sector in Ireland., University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2015 - Conversion to Organic Farming – Constraints and opportunities for organic farming among small-scale farmers in Zanzibar, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2016 - Impact of Biodiversity on Household Dietary Diversity and Children Nutrition Cross-sectional study in Rabinal, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2010 - The Impact of Peasant Agriculture on the Environment: Its impact of Food Production in the South West Region of Cameroon, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2012 - The human impacts of flower farm development in the Ethiopian Rift Valley region, University College Cork (Thesis Co-Supervisor)
- 2017 - Understanding sustainability from a global perspective: exploring the role of education for sustainable development within contemporary education in Ireland, University College Cork (Thesis Co-Supervisor)
- 2018 - Developing Food Value Chains for small and medium scale Cassava Farmers in Nigeria., University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2019 - Understanding seed potato selection practices in Uganda (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
Journal article
Year | Publication |
2018 | DONKOR, E., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., CARMENADO, I. D. L. R. (2018). Promoting value addition among farmers in the cassava food value chain in Nigeria. British Food Journal. doi:10.1108/bfj-01-2018-0030. Details |
2018 | OGUNDEJI, A. A., DONKOR, E., MOTSOARI, C., ONAKUSE, S. (2018). Impact of access to credit on farm income: policy implications for rural agricultural development in Lesotho. Agrekon. Details |
2018 | REPAR, L., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., AFONSO, A. (2018). Key challenges in Malawi’s paprika supply chain: new insights into contract farming. Development in Practice. doi:10.1080/09614524.2018.1424801. Details |
2018 | SALAMI, S., O’GRADY, M., LUCIANO, G., PRIOLO, A., ONAKUSE, S., MCGEE, M. (2018). PSI-12 Inclusion of dried corn gluten feed in a concentrate supplement for grass silage-fed steers improves the fatty acid profile of beef.. Journal of Animal Science. doi:10.1093/jas/sky404.138. Details |
2018 | SALAMI, S., O’GRADY, M., LUCIANO, G., PRIOLO, A., ONAKUSE, S., MCGEE, M. (2018). PSIX-37 Fatty acid composition and antioxidant potential of beef from steers fed corn or wheat dried distillers’ grains in a supplement to grass silage.. Journal of Animal Science. doi:10.1093/jas/sky404.624. Details |
2012 | ONAKUSE, S. (2012). The Future of Subsistence Agriculture in the Rural Community of Uzanu, Edo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development. doi:10.5304/jafscd.2012.031.021. Details |
2017 | REPAR, L., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., AFONSO, A. (2017). Optimising contract design in modern food supply chains: The case of paprika sector in Central Malawi. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics. |
2017 | DONKOR, E., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., CARMENADO, I. D. L. R. (2017). The impact of the presidential cassava initiative on cassava productivity in Nigeria: Implication for sustainable food supply and food security. Cogent Food & Agriculture. doi:10.1080/23311932.2017.1368857. Details |
2016 | FOLEY, H., BOGUE, J., ONAKUSE, S. (2016). New conceptual framework for sustainability. Irish Studies in International Affairs. doi:10.3318/ISIA.2016.27.11. Details |
2018 | DONKOR, E., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., CARMENADO, I. D. L. R. (2018). Determinants of farmer participation in direct marketing channels: A case study for cassava in the Oyo State of Nigeria.. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. Details |
2015 | ONAKUSE, S. (2015). Changing food security: The challenges of climate change in Ukpeko, Etsako East, Edo State Nigeria. African Journal of Agriculture and Food Security. African journal of agriculture and food security. |
2008 | ONAKUSE, S., LENIHAN, E. (2008). Rural Livelihood Insecurity in Edo State: A Case Study of Etsako East Local Government Area of Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development. Details |
2018 | REPAR, L., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., AFONSO, A. (2018). Is It All About the Money? Extent, Reasons and Triggers for Side-selling in Malawi's Paprika Supply Chain. International Journal on Food System Dynamics. doi:10.18461/ijfsd.v9i1.913. Details |
2020 | CANWAT, V., OELOFSE, M., ONAKUSE, S., DE NEERGAARD, A. (2020). Effects of certified organic production on supplier failures and potential income effects of supplier failures on producers: Evidence from vegetable and macadamia producers in Kenya. Agribusiness. doi:10.1002/agr.21657. Details |
2019 | PRIEGNITZ, U., ONAKUSE, S., LOMMEN, W., STRUIK, P. (2019). A Farm Typology for Adoption of Innovations in Potato Production in Southwestern Uganda.. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. |
2019 | BOGUE, J., DONKOR, E., ONAKUSE, S., CARMENADO, I. D. L. R. (2019). Fertiliser adoption and sustainable rural livelihood improvement in Nigeria. Land Use Policy, 88. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104193. Details |
2021 | ONAKUSE, S., JATULA, V. (2021). Radical Islam and Insurgency in Northern Nigeria: Tensions and Challenges. Religions, 12 (10). Details |
2021 | CANWAT, V., OELOFSE, M., ONAKUSE, S., DE NEERGAARD, A. (2021). Agroecological intensification: Can organic conversion improve the production efficiency? A perspective from smallholder kale production systems Kenya.. Cleaner Environmental Systems, 3. Details |
2023 | CANWAT, V., ONAKUSE, S. (2023). Table banking plus certified organic agriculture: an integrated microfinance approach to sustainable livelihoods. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 15 (2), 165-182. doi:10.1080/19439342.2022.2089200. Details |
2022 | DONKOR, E., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., CARMENADO, I. D. L. R. (2022). Income inequality and distribution patterns in the cassava value chain in the Oyo State, Nigeria: a gender perspective. British Food Journal, 124 (13), 254-273. doi:10.1108/BFJ-06-2021-0663. Details |
2023 | PALMA-MOLINA, P., HENNESSY, T., O'CONNOR, A. H., ONAKUSE, S., O'LEARY, N., MORAN, B., SHALLOO, L. (2023). Factors associated with intensity of technology adoption and with the adoption of 4 clusters of precision livestock farming technologies in Irish pasture-based dairy systems. Journal of Dairy Science, 106 (4), 2498-2509. doi:10.3168/jds.2021-21503. Details |
2023 | BUZIGI, E., ONAKUSE, S. (2023). Food price volatility and socio-economic inequalities in poor food consumption status during coronavirus disease-2019 lockdown among slum and non-slum households in urban Nansana municipality, Uganda. Nutrition Journal, 22. doi:10.1186/s12937-023-00836-x. Details |
2022 | ONAKUSE, S. (2022). Organic agriculture: A fountain of alternative innovations for social, economic, and environmental challenges of conventional agriculture in a developing country context. Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, 3. doi:10.1016/j.clcb.2022.100025. Details |
2023 | PALMA-MOLINA, P., HENNESSY, T., DILLON, E., ONAKUSE, S., MORAN, B., SHALLOO, L. (2023). Evaluating the effects of grass management technologies on the physical, environmental, and financial performance of Irish pasture-based dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. doi:10.3168/jds.2022-23111. Details |
Book chapter
Year | Publication |
2015 | REPAR, L., ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., AFONSO, A. (2015). Case study of paprika supply chain efficiency in Malawi Central Region. Envisioning a future without food waste and food poverty. Societal challenges. Wageningen Academic Publishers. |
2010 | ONAKUSE, S., LINEHAN, E. (2010). Marginality and Crisis: Globalization and Identity in Contemporary Africa. Details |
Edited book
Year | Publication |
2019 | ONAKUSE, S., PILLOT, D., DE NEERGAARD, A., HEIJMANS, E., BIONDI, L., RAPISARDA, C., ... PRIOLO, A. (2019). Agris Mundus Master of Science in Sustainable Development in Agriculture Book of Abstracts. Other. |
Conference abstract
Year | Publication |
2012 | ONAKUSE, S. (2012). Post-harvest Losses and Food Sustainability Challenges of Rural Farmers in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Rural Maize Farmers in Ghana., Germany. Details |
Magazine article
Year | Publication |
2011 | ONAKUSE, S. (2011). Nigeria’s Seven-Point Agenda and the Financial Crisis: Implications for Growth and Development.. A Journal of Ideas on Africa and the African Diaspora. Details |
Year | Publication |
2022 | FADIRAN, G. (2022). Sustainable Production and Consumption: The Influence of Social Norms. Retrieved from https://www.epa.ie/publications/research/waste/Research_Report_408.pdf |
Year | Publication |
2017 | REPAR, L., BOGUE, J., ONAKUSE, S., AFONSO, A. (2017). Food Supply Chain Contracts in Vertical Marketing Systems. Institute of Food Products Marketing. |
2011 | ONAKUSE, S., BOGUE, J., LENIHAN, E. (2011). The Links Between Indigenous Crop Cultivation and Household Food Security in Kerewan, the Gambia. |