About Us
Applying learning to life in business
Applying learning to life in business
Welcome to the Cork University Business School (CUBS) at University College Cork (UCC)
At Cork University Business School we are not just a business school; we provide an approach to life in business and to the direct application of learning in the knowledge based economy – we are a school that is ideal for study, research and industry-led work integration. We don’t compromise on ensuring that we are, and are recognised to be, one of the most forward-thinking research-led business schools in Ireland – if not the world. To download our strategic vision 2021-25 visit here.
CUBS is a key part of UCC’s academic offering with its activities at a level one would expect of a university with a history and tradition of international-class teaching and research. CUBS is one of the two largest business schools in Ireland.
At CUBS we are committed to delivering high quality academic and related programmes which will prepare students for successful careers and engagement within industry and society.
Life on campus is an exciting, ever-changing mix of activities, opportunities and possibilities. With more than 8 within the Cork University Business school, and over 58 clubs across the university.
Studying at CUBS was the best decision I have ever made. The knowledge I gained on CUBS helped in achieving high goals and starting my own business.
By choosing Cork University Business School, we will provide you with both the intellectual and practical education to enable individuals and organisations be leaders through learning, application and dissemination of business knowledge.