Prof. Frederic AdamBIS, Business Information Systems, Decision making and decision support, including DSS, Enterprise Wide Systems, in particular ERP, Health Information Systems, Home Based Blood Pressure Monitoring, Impact of ICT on the delivery of healthcare, Information Systems, Mobile and real time decision support, Mobile computing, Research Methods in Information Systems
Dr Dave AltonConsumer culture theory dimensions of marketplace cultures and consumer identity, Digital Media
Dr Gillian BarrettGlobal high-tech SMEs and open innovation, Open innovation practices within the SME sector, SME collaboration
Ms Michele BarryEconomics, Health Economics, Quantitative Economics
Prof. Matthias BeckHealth Management, Public Private Partnership, Public Sector Management, Risk management
Mr Daniel BlackshieldsCognition and creativity, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Teaching of economics, Teaching of economics through reflective practice, integrative learning and mental development
Prof. Joe BogueConsumer acceptance of novel products/ingredients, Consumer and shopper behaviour, Consumer integration and food product design, Food Business and Development, Food choice and consumer acceptance in relation to new product development, Health-enhancing foods and functional foods, Innovation and the entrepreneurial process, Knowledge management and new product development, Market-oriented new product development, New product development strategies, Strategic food marketing, Strategic marketing and the ageing consumer segment, Strategic marketing of health-enhancing foods and functional foods
Dr Jane BourkeAdoption and diffusion of innovations, Economics, Health Economics, Healthcare & Business Innovation, Innovation & technological change
Tracy BradfieldBusiness development and diversification, Connected health, Decision support, Information Systems, Knowledge management, Patient journey mapping, Responsible Research and Innovation, Systems analysis and design
Dr Stephen BrosnanEconomic Growth, Economics, Innovation, Regional development
Dr Joan BuckleyApplication of marketing theory in the public sector, Consumer attitudes to patriotic or chauvinistic consumption, Evolving social marketing, Impact on career trajectories and career choices, Impact on consumer buying behaviour, Investigation of consumer attitudes to family businesses, Lived experience of female academics, Management and Marketing, Marketing techniques, Marketing techniques in social settings, Pricing and promotion strategy - Pharmaceutical sector
Dr Lee Ann BurkeAdolescent mental health, Economics, Health Economics, Investigating factors which affect attendance at economics lectures, Mental health research, Suicide research
Prof. Thomas ButlerBIS, Business Information Systems, Business Models for GRC technology innovations, Business Models for ICT-enabled Smart Grid/Homes/Buildings and Energy Informatics, Environmental Compliance Management Systems (ECMS), Environmentally sustainable IT Governance, Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) Systems for Financial Services, Information Systems, Institutional Theory to explore how the direct, enabling and systematic effects of Green ICT can be leveraged by government and business organisations, Ontology and Process Model Development, Semantic Technology Design, Smart Regulation (based on Semantic Technologies)
Dr Robert ButlerEconomics, Economics of Sport, Impact of state development and institutional flexibility on economic growth, Institutional Economics, Macroeconomics, Sports economics
Dr Noreen ByrneCo-operative Studies, Food Business and Development, Relationship between structure and member value, Strategy and direction in the credit union, Strategy and direction in the credit union movement with a particular focus on credit union rationalisation
Dr Ronan CarberyApplication of various theoretical perspectives and models from the fields of Human Resource Management, Career development, HRM, Human Resource Development, Learning and Development, Management and Marketing, Organisation Behaviour, Talent management, Talent Management Research, Training and development, learning, career development and leadership development processes in organisations
Professor Michelle Carr Accounting, Accounting and Finance, Accounting education, Inter alia, Management control systems, Performance measurement
Dr Bridget CarrollCo-operative legislation, regulation and public policy, Co-operative Studies, Food Business and Development, Methodologies and pedagogies of blended, Network governance perspective to co-operative development, On-line and distance learning, Organisational, legislative and regulatory aspects of co-operatives, Worker Co-operatives
Dr Fergal CartonERP and functional fit, Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Roll-outs in Multi-National Companies, Information Systems, Project Management for ERP Implementations
Dr Tao Chen Consumer culture theory dimensions of marketplace cultures and consumer identity, Digital Media
Dr Peter Cleary Intersection of marketing, technology and consumer wellbeing, Accounting, Accounting and Finance, Accounting education, Accounting for carbon, Action Research, Adolescent mental health, Adoption and diffusion of innovations, Advertising ethics, Ageing, Agile software development methods, Agri-based energy, including biofuels, Agri-food trade and farm support policy, Agri-nutrition linkages, Agricultural and rural change, Agricultural and Rural Co-operatives, Agricultural development through innovative technology practices, AgriDiet, Agrifood market information systems, Alternative Investments, AML, KYC and automation in the funds and other industries, Analysis of Texts, Application of marketing theory in the public sector, Application of tribal marketing approaches to the domains of ethical and sustainable consumption, Application of various theoretical perspectives and models from the fields of Human Resource Management, Applied Econometrics, Applied economics, Applied Macro Finance, Artificial intelligence, Asset Management, Asset pric
Mr Seamus CoffeyEconometrics, Economics, Microeconomics, Performance of the Irish economy (fiscal outcomes, taxation, debt, national accounts )
Dr Alan CollinsBranding in the retail environment, Consumer and shopper behaviour, Economics for food retailing, Food Business and Development, Food Retailing, Food Retailing Supply Chain, ICT and shopper behaviour, Marketing for food retailing, Mobile optical technologies (e.g. smartphones) in food related search, Power Relationships in the Food Supply Chain, Price and promotional search, Retail Pricing and Below Cost Legislation, Retailer-Supplier Relationships in the Grocery Market, Sociology for food retailing, Store and channel choice, Structural Change in Grocery Retailing, Supply Chain Management in Grocery Retailing
Dr John ConsidineConstitutional Economics, Economic Education, Economics, History of Economic Thought, Public Choice, Sports economics
Dr Patrice CooperInterplay between interpersonal relationships and every day 'sense-making' activities, Literatures of leadership, knowledge and learning, Management and Marketing, Merging of competitive and co-operative approaches in the form of 'coopetition', Social economy, Strategic concerns of organisations operating within the so-called third sector, Strategic management
Ms Jodi CroninEconomic costs of disability, obesity, drug prescribing costs, Environmental economics, Public policy issues and evidence based policy
Dr Frank CrowleyFirm performance, Government intervention, Innovation, Management practices, Public choice theory
Dr Lawrence DooleyKnowledge exchange networks, Management and Marketing, Management of organisational innovation, University-Industry collaboration
Professor Justin DoranBusiness Innovation, Business Performance, Business Strategy, Eco-Innovation, Econometrics, Economics, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Regional Resilience, Regional Science, Spatial Econometrics
Prof. Eleanor DoyleApplied economics, Competitiveness Survey, Economic Development, Economic Growth, Economic transformation, Economics, Efficiency of Irish Industry/Role of FDI in Irish Industry, Linkages between firm, industry, sectoral and national competitiveness, Organisational architecture and governance, Regional development, Sources of Irish Growth
Dr John EakinsEconomics, Energy and Environmental Economics, Household Demand Modelling, Sports economics, Transport economics
Mr Bill EmersonBIS, Business Information Systems, Channel management strategies, Compliance knowledge management systems, Compliance management Systems, Compliance-as-a-Service in IT Manufacturing Organisations, Information Systems, Knowledge management Systems
Dr Ciara FitzgeraldBIS, Business Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, Health Information Systems, Information Systems, Strategy, Technology innovation
Prof Thomas GaravanExecutive Education, Human Resource Development, Leadership development, Learning and Development
Ms Michelle Gleeson Intersection of marketing, technology and consumer wellbeing, Accounting, Accounting and Finance, Accounting education, Accounting for carbon, Action Research, Adolescent mental health, Adoption and diffusion of innovations, Advertising ethics, Ageing, Agile software development methods, Agri-based energy, including biofuels, Agri-food trade and farm support policy, Agri-nutrition linkages, Agricultural and rural change, Agricultural and Rural Co-operatives, Agricultural development through innovative technology practices, AgriDiet, Agrifood market information systems, Alternative Investments, AML, KYC and automation in the funds and other industries, Analysis of Texts, Application of marketing theory in the public sector, Application of tribal marketing approaches to the domains of ethical and sustainable consumption, Application of various theoretical perspectives and models from the fields of Human Resource Management, Applied Econometrics, Applied economics, Applied Macro Finance, Artificial intelligence, Asset Management, Asset pric
Dr Audrey GraceBIS, Business Information Systems, Co-Production Research, Decision support systems (DSS), E-Government Research, Information processing, Information Systems, Information Systems (IS), Predictive analytics, Wellness Research
Mr Jeremy HayesBIS, Business Information Systems, Business models, CALIBRE - Co-ordination Action for Libre Software Engineering for Open Development Platforms for Software and Services, Electronic Business, Energy Sector/Smart Grid, Information Systems, Open Code, Content and Commerce (O3C) Business Models, Open innovation, Open source software, Peer-Production
Prof. Ciara HeavinBIS, Business Information Systems, Child Health Information Tracking Application (CHeITA), Cloud Technology, Health Information Systems, Information Systems, Knowledge management, Mobile Technology, Supporting LIFE, Web 2.0
Prof. Thia HennessyEconomic performance of farms, Impact of climate change on agriculture, Public policy on the farm sector, Sustainability of food production , Sustainable development of the agri-food sector
Mr David HumphreysAccounting, Accounting and Finance, Capital Adequacy regulations governing financial institutions., Economic returns from public trading in the European bloodstock industry, Structured Finance - CDS pricing
Prof. Mark HutchinsonAccounting and Finance, Asset pricing, Corporate finance, Derivatives, Dividend Policy, Hedge fund performance, Intellectual Property, Investment Strategies, Reporting Regulation, Share Price Behaviour, Taxation, Trading strategies
Dr Declan JordanBusiness Performance and Strategy, Competitiveness, Economics, Innovation, Innovation & technological change, Innovation and Enterprise Policy, Regional development, Regional economics, Sports economics
Dr Catherine KavanaghEconomics, Incentives and Contracts, Income Distribution and Inequality, Labour Market Compensation, Labour Market Policies, Measures of Economic Progress, Skills, Education, and Training Policies, The Economics of Skills and Human Capital
Dr Ella KavanaghEconomics, Entrepreneurship, Labour economics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Institutions and Monetary Policy, Price Search, Transformational and integrative learning in Economics, Worker displacement
Dr Carol KelleherCollective value co-creation in relation to orchestral consumption, Critical and transformative marketing approaches impact consumers and society, Elderly consumption including healthcare and eldercare service provision, Integrating Services Marketing and Consumer Culture Theory perspectives, Management and Marketing, Sustainable consumption and consumer vulnerability
Dr Gaye KielyBIS, Business Information Systems, Global Virtual Teams (GVTs) for software development, Information Systems
Dr Ann KirbyDietary patterns and GP prescribing patterns, Economic evaluation, Economics, Economics of Education, Health Economics, Labour Economics
Dr Edward LahiffAgriDiet, Ethiopia, South Africa, and Irish aid policy, Food Business and Development, Food, hunger and nutrition, Land reform, Land tenure, Natural resources, Rural livelihoods, Smal-scale agriculture, Small-scale farming and nutrition, Sub-Sahran Africa
Prof. Thomas LawtonInternational Management, Organisational Management, Strategic management
Dr Siobhán LuceyApplied Econometrics, Consumption, Economics, Forecasting, Scenario Planning, Socio-economic determinats of suicide rates
Dr Clíodhna MacKenzieAugmentation and development of theories associated with these research themes, Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR), Dysfunctional individual and organisational behaviour, Ethics, diversity and inclusion, Human resource management and development, Leadership development, Management and Marketing, Organisational behaviour, Organisational derailment, Risk and risk taking, Theory development
Dr Carolanne MahonyHealth Information Systems, Impact of ICT on the delivery of healthcare
Dr John McAvoyAgile software development methods, BIS, Business Information Systems, Information Systems Development Methodology, Information Systems Education, Storage technology
Dr. JB McCarthyAccounting, Accounting and Finance, AML, KYC and automation in the funds and other industries, Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI), Channel strategies for financial service companies, Decision support systems (DSS), Electronic, mobile and large scale payment systems, Engaged scholarship, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), FuturICT FET Flagship project, Governance, risk and compliance in financial services, Innovation in financial services, Open Data, Outsourcing in financial services, Queuing solutions in retail banking and other retail industries, Service based business and industries, Workflow automation in financial services
Dr Noirin McCarthyEconomics, Entrepreneurship, Job flows, Labour economics, Small business economics, Worker displacement
Prof. Mary McCarthyConsumer acceptance of novel technologies, Consumer food behaviours, Determinants of behaviour and behavioural change, Determinants of consumer food choice processes, Food Business and Development, New and novel foods - determinants of consumer attitudes and acceptance, Psychographic segmentation of food markets, Risk communication, Social, cognitive and economic factors that influence food consumption patterns and specific food choices
Dr Olive McCarthyCo-operative Studies, Credit unions, Food Business and Development, Micro-credit, Social Finance
Dr. Stephen McCarthyBusiness development and diversification, Connected health, Decision support, Information Systems, Knowledge management, Patient journey mapping, Responsible Research and Innovation, Systems analysis and design
Prof. Anthony McDonnellHR practices of MNCs in different host environments , HRM, Human resource management and development, International Management, Talent Management Research
Dr Brendan McElroy Intersection of marketing, technology and consumer wellbeing, Accounting, Accounting and Finance, Accounting education, Accounting for carbon, Action Research, Adolescent mental health, Adoption and diffusion of innovations, Advertising ethics, Ageing, Agile software development methods, Agri-based energy, including biofuels, Agri-food trade and farm support policy, Agri-nutrition linkages, Agricultural and rural change, Agricultural and Rural Co-operatives, Agricultural development through innovative technology practices, AgriDiet, Agrifood market information systems, Alternative Investments, AML, KYC and automation in the funds and other industries, Analysis of Texts, Application of marketing theory in the public sector, Application of tribal marketing approaches to the domains of ethical and sustainable consumption, Application of various theoretical perspectives and models from the fields of Human Resource Management, Applied Econometrics, Applied economics, Applied Macro Finance, Artificial intelligence, Asset Management, Asset pric
Dr Helen McGrathBusiness-to-business relationship marketing, International Marketing, Management and Marketing, Purchasing Group of researchers
Dr David McKevittEntrepreneurial Mentoring, Management and Marketing, Procurement in SMEs, Project Management Careers, Project Management in SMEs, Public procurement, Reverse Auctions, SME's interact with public procurement regimes
Mr Stephen MooreEnvironmental economics, Food Business and Development, Public finance, Suicide, crime and drug prescribing costs
Prof. Mark MulcahyAccounting, Accounting and Finance, Asset Management, Corporate finance, Corporate governance, Finance, Islamic Finance, Private Equity, Valuation, Venture Capital
Dr Aileen MurphyAccounting, Accounting and Finance, Accounting education, Accounting for carbon, Action Research, Adolescent mental health, Adoption and diffusion of innovations, Advertising ethics, Ageing, Agile software development methods, Agri-based energy, including biofuels, Agri-food trade and farm support policy, Agri-nutrition linkages, Agricultural and rural change, Agricultural and Rural Co-operatives, Agricultural development through innovative technology practices, AgriDiet, Agrifood market information systems, Alternative Investments, AML, KYC and automation in the funds and other industries, Analysis of Texts, Application of marketing theory in the public sector, Application of tribal marketing approaches to the domains of ethical and sustainable consumption, Application of various theoretical perspectives and models from the fields of Human Resource Management, Applied Econometrics, Applied economics, Applied Macro Finance, Artificial intelligence, Asset Management, Asset pricing, Augmentation and development of theories associated with t
Dr Linda MurphyCareer Paths of Next Generation Family Members, Family Capital, Management and Marketing, Student Perceptions of Entrepreneurship
Mr Michael MurphyBuyer-Supplier Relationships, Management and Marketing, Segmentation Strategies
Dr Tadhg NagleBig Data, BIS, Business Information Systems, Cloud Brokerage Business Analysis, Cloud Technology, Information Systems, IT Strategy Definition and implementation, MyLocalShop Business Analysis, Social Media
Dr Karen NevilleBIS, Business Information Systems, Decision support systems (DSS), Educational technologies, Emergency management (EM), Information security management, Information Systems, Information Systems security (ISS), Knowledge management
Dr Lisa NoonanEconomics, Effects of agglomeration economies on firm productivity in Ireland, The Product space analysis of Ireland
Dr Mari O' ConnorEconomics, Entrepreneurial opportunities, Entrepreneurship, Income Inequality, Innovation, Knowledge exploration and exploitation, Patents
Dr John O'BrienAccounting, Accounting and Finance, Alternative Investments, Behavioral finance , Quantitative Trading Strategies
Dr Elaine O'BrienEmotion at work, Employee well-being and engagement, Management and Marketing
Ms Leona O'BrienBIS, Business Information Systems, Information Systems
Dr Steve O'CallaghanAccounting, Accounting and Finance, Corporate governance, Ownership structure
Dr Brian O'FlahertyBIS, Business Information Systems, Information Infrastructure, Information Systems, Information Systems(IS) Entrepreneurship Education, Innovation and the entrepreneurial process, Innovative Software, New Product Development, Predictive analytics
Dr Tom O'KaneAction Research, BIS, Business Information Systems, Information Systems, Outsourcing, Process definition, Quality management, Software test capability
Dr Claire O'NeillAdvertising ethics, Behaviour change, Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR), Ethics of consumption, Impact of marketing on society, Management and Marketing, Marketing ethics with a particular focus on sustainable consumption, Social marketing and researching children’s perspectives on sustainability
Dr Jamie O'NeillAccounting, Corporate transparency and accountability, Finance, Impacts of non-financial reporting on individual stakeholders’ perceptions, Non-financial reporting – sustainability disclosures, Stakeholders’ legitimacy, reputation, credibility perceptions of firms, Sustainability reporting standards and certifications, i.e., Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Prof. Philip O'ReillyBig Data, BIS, Business Information Systems, Business Inteligence Software, Business models, Business Value of IT, Information Retrieval, Information Systems, Information Systems (IS), M-payments, Mining Unstructured Data, Social Media
Dr Seamus O'ReillyClosed-Loop Supply Chain, Collaboration, Extended enterprise/virtual networks, Food Business and Development, Improving variety management capability through global brand portfolio management, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group's Interaction approach, Inter-organisational dependence and marketing channel analysis, Marketing Channel analysis, Outsourcing, Process Improvement, Product variety management models that support both supply chain responsiveness and efficiency, Relationship management and governance, Resource-Based View of the Firm (RBV), Resource-Dependence theory, Short Food Supply Chains, Social Network Analysis (SNA), Strategic development of core competencies, Supplier-Buyer management processes (negotiation dashboard: a decision support tool for procurement professionals), Supply chain configuration, Supply Chain Eco-Systems and Network Analysis, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Supply Chain Management Competencies and Educational Programme Design & Delivery, Supply chain networks, including logistics, pro
Lecturer Paidi O'ReillyAgile software development methods, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Social Media, Visual Thinking
Dr Mary O'ShaughnessyCo-operative Studies, Food Business and Development, Rural development, Social enterprises
Prof. Niall O'SullivanEconomics, Global market integration, Hedge and mutual fund performance and risk analysis, Investment management, Risk management, Trading strategies
Dr Stephen O'SullivanBrand strategy, Consumer culture theory dimensions of marketplace cultures and consumer identity, Consumer movements, Edgework, Ethnographic representation, Fandom, Investigation of contemporary play, Management and Marketing, Market mavenism
Dr Yvonne OConnorDecision support systems (DSS), Emergency management (EM), Health Information Systems, Information Systems, Information Systems (IS), Mobile Health, Mobile technology in healthcare, User Interface (UI) design
Dr Stephen OnakuseAgricultural development through innovative technology practices, Environmental Biology and Development studies, Explore how the impact of corruption changes the development environment with some developing nations, Food Business and Development, Interactions of social, cultural, and religious aspects of agriculture, Livelihoods Analysis, Policy advice for Poverty Reduction Strategies, Sustainable livelihoods in Developing Countries
Dr Andrew PopeBIS, Business Information Systems, Decision support systems (DSS), Design Thinking, Emergency management (EM), Information Systems, Innovation, Knowledge management
Dr Bernadette PowerBusiness Performance, Business transfers, Economics, Entrepreneurial Exit, Entrepreneurship, Firm Survival, Real options, Small business economics, Survey Research Methods
Dr Carol PowerCo-operative Studies, Credit union movement in Ireland, Food Business and Development, Social enterprises
Dr Wendy RowanCorporate Communications, Organisation Behaviour, Psychology
Professor Geraldine RyanApplied Econometrics, Economics, Financial Economics, Small business economics
Dr Marie RyanHealth and social issues, Health Economics, Tourism
Prof. David SammonBIS, Business Information Systems, Business rationale for systems implementation, Data Warehousing, Design Thinking, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Information Systems, Master Data Management (MDM), Organisational fit versus systems functionality, Visual Thinking
Dr Meadhbh ShermanApplied Econometrics, Economics, Financial Economics, Fund Performance and Management, Small Business and Labour Economics
Dr Ultan ShermanEmployee development, Knowledge circulation, Management and Marketing, Organisational socialisation, Personality theory, Psychological contract, Psychology, Selection and team dynamics, Tacit knowledge
Prof. Edward ShinnickBusiness Strategy, Competition and competition policy, Competition issues in markets & industries, Privatisation, Regulation
Dr William SjostromEconomics of the family, Industrial economics with a particular emphasis on maritime industries, Labor markets, Law and economics, law and economics of divorce in Ireland, Transportation
Dr Alan SloaneBusiness & Inter-organisational Networks, Food Business and Development, Mixed Methods, Rural development, Social Network Analysis
Dr Sean Tanner Intersection of marketing, technology and consumer wellbeing, Consumer behaviour, Consumer information usage , Marketing, Marketing communications, Omni-channel communication , Self-quantification
Dr Stephen ThornhillAgri-based energy, including biofuels, Agri-food trade and farm support policy, Agri-nutrition linkages, Agrifood market information systems, Ethical and sustainability issues in the agri-food sector including certification systems, Food Business and Development, Food security and measurement, New Economics
Dr Brian TurnerEconomic Regulation, Economics, Health Economics, Health Financing, Health Insurance, Health System Funding, Insurance, Irish Health system, Property Economics
Dr Edel WalshAgeing, Data analysis techniques, Economics, Economics of Happiness, Economics of well-being, Health Economics, Informal care provision for older people, Strategic analysis
Dr Noel WoodsDental public health and statistics, Health Economics, Health service evaluation and planning, Investigate inefficiencies/efficiencies in Drug Prescribing, Oral Health, Oral Health Policy of Older People, Oral Health System
Dr Simon WoodworthBIS, Business Information Systems, Client – server programming, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Data Analytics, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Health Information Systems, Information Systems, Information Systems (IS), Mobile computing, Mobile programming, Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Dr Jiangtao XieCo-operative legislation, regulation and public policy, Co-operative Studies, Food Business and Development, Methodologies and pedagogies of blended, Network governance perspective to co-operative development, On-line and distance learning, Organisational, legislative and regulatory aspects of co-operatives, Worker Co-operatives
Dr Huanhuan XiongCloud Technology, Data Analytics, Information Systems (IS)
Mara van TwuijverBusiness Innovation, Business Performance, Business Strategy, Eco-Innovation, Econometrics, Economics, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Regional Resilience, Regional Science, Spatial Econometrics