Dr Yvonne OConnor

Yvonne OConnor



Business Information Systems ORB 3.69 O'Rahilly Building Cork University Business School University College Cork

+353 21 490 3344 [email protected] ORCID profile


Senior Lecturer within Business Information System and is researcher within the Health Information Systems Research Centre (HISRC), Business Information Systems, Cork University Business School at University College Cork.

Research: My research focuses on the introduction, sustained use and ethical implications of information systems in healthcare (focusing on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages; SDG9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation and SDG16 - Promote Just, Peaceful and Inclusive Societies). I have contributed to the extension of existing theories focusing on Health Information Systems implementation. I have delivered several presentations at international and national conferences and has published in high impact peer-reviewed journals in the Health Informatics and Information Systems domains. I currently serve on the Editorial Board of two journals (Health Policy & Technology and the International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare). 


Learning and Teaching: I deliver a range of technical, non-technical and applied modules to various class sizes, ranging from 8 to 180 student participants across undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education programmes. My innovative and engaging approach to learning and teaching resulted in being nominated as a Teaching Hero 2021 as part of the national student-led Teaching Hero awards led by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and the Union of Students in Ireland. The Teaching Hero Awards are national, student-led awards for all those who teach in higher education. The Awards are organised by the National Forum in collaboration with the Union of Students in Ireland and other students’ unions nationwide. They provide an opportunity for students across the country to recognise and celebrate outstanding teaching in our higher education institutions. I directed two interdisciplinary PG courses - MSc Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems (MSc MIMAS) and MSc Digital Health programmes (September 2017 - July 2021). During this time, several contributions to the planning, design and development of courses were performed to ensure that the courses were maintained in terms of academic currency and industry regulations/standards.


Academic Citizenship and Engagement: I am an active member on several committees at Local, School, College and University Levels (linked with the University's strategic values such as Athena Swan Committee, Ethical Review Committee and Learning and Teaching Committee). I work closely with industry and the community to understand their needs and propose solutions to overcoming these needs. I actively participate in public engagement initiatives (e.g. print and online media output, student recruitment activities) to promote our programmes and research projects, Business School and University.


Google Scholar Account: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=S2Rw1xcAAAAJ&view_op=list_workLinks to an external site.

Grants and Honours

  • 01/11/2022 - Academic Returners Scheme, University College Cork
  • 01/04/2021 - 2020 Teaching Hero Awards, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • 07/01/2021 - Best Paper Nomination at The 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Association for Information Systems
  • 01/11/2018 - TutorAR: Enhancing Undergraduate Engagement with Augmented Reality, University College Cork
  • 01/11/2018 - ENHANCE: dEmeNtia: assistive tecHnologies And electroNic ConsEnt, University College Cork
  • 05/01/2017 - Best Poster at 3rd Technology Assessment Conference
  • 26/07/2016 - Wellcome Trust, UK (€115,169.00): Consenting HeAlth related dAta through Social Media (CHASM)., University College Cork
  • 02/01/2016 - Irish Research Council (€97,931.00): Using mobile phones for assessing, classifying and treating sick children (IMPACT), Health Information Systems Research Centre, UCC
  • 01/01/2008 - BIS Doctoral Scholarship, Department of Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems, University College Cork

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Other Activities

  • 25/06/2018 - European Conference on Information Systems
  • 11/08/2017 - Americas Conference on Information Systems
  • 10/08/2017 - Americas Conference on Information Systems
  • 06/06/2017 - European Conference on Information Systems
  • 05/06/2017 - European Conference on Information Systems
  • 12/12/2016 - International Conference on Information Systems
  • 05/10/2016 - HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
  • 22/06/2016 - IFIP WG 8.3 on Decision Support Systems
  • 18/11/2015 - International Conference on Mobile Business
  • 08/06/2015 - mHealth Conference
  • 26/05/2015 - European Conference on Information Systems
  • 20/05/2015 - International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology
  • 10/12/2014 - Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  • 15/10/2014 - HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
  • 02/06/2014 - IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT

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Research Domains

  • Mobile Technology
  • Decision support systems (DSS)
  • Health Information Systems and the impact of ICT on the delivery of healthcare
  • Connected health
  • Ethics, diversity and inclusion
  • Technology Assessment
  • Design Thinking
  • User-centered design
  • Educational technologies
  • Digital Health
  • Electronic Informed Consent

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  • 2021 - Investigating the Antecedents of Perceived Threats and User Resistance, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
  • 2022 - Exploring Classroom Engagement in an Open and Distance Educational Context (Thesis Co-Supervisor)

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Journal article

Year Publication
2013 ZARABZADEH, A., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'CONNOR, Y., O'KANE, T., WOODWORTH, S., GALLAGHER, J., ... O'CONNOR, S. (2013). Variation in health care providers' perceptions: Decision making based on patient vital signs. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2013.817063. Details
2013 O'CONNOR, Y., O'REILLY, P., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2013). M-health infusion by healthcare practitioners in the national health services (NHS). Health Policy and Technology. doi:10.1016/j.hlpt.2012.12.002. Details
2016 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2016). First impressions are lasting impressions: intention to participate in mobile health projects within developing countries. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2016.1125647. Details
2015 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2015). Review of Key Stakeholders for an mHealth Pilot Study in Malawi Motivations and Expectations. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. doi:10.4018/ijrqeh.2015040105. Details
2019 IDE, N., HARDY, V., CHIRAMBO, G., HEAVIN, C., O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2019). People Welcomed This Innovation with Two Hands: A Qualitative Report of an mHealth Intervention for Community Case Management in Malawi. Annals of Global Health. doi:10.5334/aogh.919. Details
2018 CHIRAMBO, G., HARDY, V., HEAVIN, C., O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J., MASTELLOS, N. (2018). Perceptions of a mobile health intervention for Community Case Management in Malawi: Opportunities and challenges for Health Surveillance Assistants in a community setting.. Malawi Medical Journal. Details
2016 O'CONNOR, Y., O'REILLY, P. (2016). Examining the infusion of mobile technology by healthcare practitioners in a hospital setting. Information Systems Frontiers. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-016-9728-9. Details
2017 ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Exploring the Situational Approach to Decision Making: User eConsent on a Health Social Network. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 11 (11), 2652-2657.
2017 KENNY, G., O'CONNOR, Y., EZE, E., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Trends, Findings, and Opportunities: An Archival Review of Health Information Systems Research in Nigeria. Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems.
2014 O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2014). Contextual barriers to mobile health technology in African Countries: A perspective piece. Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine. doi:10.7309/jmtm.4.1.7. Details
2015 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., O’CONNOR, S., GALLAGHER, J., WU, J. T.-S., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2015). Service Blueprint for Improving Clinical Guideline Adherence via Mobile Health Technology. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering. Details
2016 HEAVIN, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2016). Starting with small health data opportunities for Mhealth in Africa. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. doi:10.2495/DNE-V11-N3-338-351. Details
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., GALLAGHER, J., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2017). Understanding community health workers’ intentions to participate in mHealth studies within developing countries. Behaviour and Information Technology. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2017.1280537. Details
2017 HARDY, V., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., MASTELLOS, N., TRAN, T., O'DONOGHUE, J., ... THOMPSON, M. (2017). The added value of a mobile application of Community Case Management on referral, re-consultation and hospitalization rates of children aged under 5 years in two districts in Northern Malawi: Study protocol for a pragmatic, stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial. Trials. doi:10.1186/s13063-017-2213-z. Details
2019 DICK, S., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2019). Approaches to Mobile Health Evaluation: A Comparative Study A mHealth Evaluation Comparison Study. Information Systems Management. doi:10.1080/10580530.2020.1696550. Details
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., O'SULLIVAN, T., GALLAGHER, J., HEAVIN, C., HARDY, V., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2017). A mobile health technology intervention for addressing the critical public health issue of child mortality. Electronic Journal of Information Systems In Developing Countries. doi:10.1002/isd2.12011. Details
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., GALLAGHER, J., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2017). Predicting participant consent in mhealth trials - A Caregiver's perspective. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. doi:10.3127/ajis.v21i0.1470. Details
2020 DICK, S., O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J., THOMPSON, M. J., HARDY, V., WU, T.-S. J., ... HEAVIN, C. (2020). Considerations for Improved Mobile Health Evaluation: Retrospective Qualitative Investigation (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 8 (1). doi:10.2196/12424. Details
2016 O'CONNOR, S., O'DONOGHUE, J., GALLAGHER, J., O'CONNOR, Y., KAWONGA, T. (2016). Erratum: Unique challenges experienced during the process of implementing mobile health information technology in developing countries (BMC Health Serv Res. (2014) 14:Supplement 2 (P87)). BMC Health Services Research. doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1345-2. Details
2020 ALOHALI, M., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y. (2020). Investigating the antecedents of perceived threats and user resistance to health information technology: a case study of a public hospital. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2020.1728988. Details
2020 O'CONNOR, Y., ANDREEV, P., O'REILLY, P. (2020). MHealth and perceived quality of care delivery: a conceptual model and validation. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20 (41). doi:10.1186/s12911-020-1049-8. Details
2020 CHIRAMBO, G. B., THOMPSON, M., HARDY, V., IDE, N., HWANG, P. H., DHARMAYAT, K. I., ... O'DONOGHUE, J. (2020). Effectiveness of smartphone-based Community Case Management on urgent referral, re-consultation and hospitalization of children under-5 in Malawi: Results of a cluster-randomized, stepped-wedge trial. Medrxiv. Details
2020 O'CONNOR, Y., FOX, G., EZE, E., NDIBUAGU, E., HEAVIN, C. (2020). Are we on the same page? Exploring stakeholders’ shared mental models of mobile health in rural Nigeria. Health Informatics Journal. doi:10.1177/1460458220909715. Details
2020 FOX, G., O'CONNOR, Y., EZE, E., NDIBUAGU, E. O., HEAVIN, C. (2020). End Users' Initial Perceptions of mHealth in Nigeria. An Investigation of Primary Healthcare Workers' Attitudes to the IMPACT App. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, 11 (4). Details
2021 POWER, D. J., HEAVIN, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2021). Balancing privacy rights and surveillance analytics: a decision process guide. Journal of Business Analytics, 4 (2), 155-170. doi:10.1080/2573234X.2021.1920856. Details
2021 O'CONNOR, Y., CHIRAMBO, G. B., MUULA, A., THOMPSON, M., HARDY, V., HEAVIN, C., ... O'DONOGHUE, J. (2021). End-user perspectives of two mHealth decision support tools: Electronic Community Case Management in Northern Malawi.. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 145. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2020.104323. Details
2021 CHIRAMBO, G. B., THOMPSON, M., HARDY, V., IDE, N., HWANG, P. H., DHARMAYAT, K., ... O'DONOGHUE, J. (2021). Effectiveness of Smartphone-Based Community Case Management on the Urgent Referral, Reconsultation, and Hospitalization of Children Aged Under 5 Years in Malawi: Cluster-Randomized, Stepped-Wedge Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23 (10). doi:10.2196/25777. Details
2021 ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2021). Comprehension, Perception, and Projection. The Role of Situation Awareness in User Decision Autonomy When Providing eConsent. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 33 (6). doi:10.4018/JOEUC.286766. Details
2020 ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2020). Beyond a “Take It” or “Leave It” Approach to eConsent Design on Health Social Networks. The Role of Emotion and Cognition. International Journal of Patient-Centered Healthcare, 10 (2). Details
2023 O'CONNOR, Y., MAHONY, C. (2023). Exploring the impact of augmented reality on student academic self-efficacy in higher education, Computers in Human Behavior, 107963.
2023 KEARY, G., CORCORAN, N., HEAVIN, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2023). Caregivers’ perceptions of telehealth for child developmental screening in the community. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 26(3). Details

Book chapter

Year Publication
2015 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., GALLAGHER, J., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2015). Sociocultural and Technological Barriers of Mobile Health Implementation in Developing Countries. In: D. Al-Jumeily, J. Moores, A. Hussain, C.Mallucci., C. Oliver, Eds (eds). Applied Computing in Medicine and Health.. Elsevier. Details
2014 O'CONNOR, Y., O'SULLIVAN, T., GALLAGHER, J., HEAVIN, C., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2014). Developing eXtensible mHealth Solutions for Low Resource Settings. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration. Springer Publishing. Details
2015 O'CONNOR, Y., O'CONNOR, S., HEAVIN, C., GALLAGHER, J., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2015). Sociocultural and technological barriers across all phases of implementation for mobile health in developing countries. Applied Computing in Medicine and Health. Elsevier.
2018 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2018). Defining and Characterizing the Landscape of E-Health. Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Medicine and Healthcare. IGI Global. Details
2015 O'CONNOR, Y., HARDY, V., HEAVIN, C., GALLAGHER, J., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2015). Supporting LIFE: Mobile Health Application for Classifying, Treating and Monitoring Disease Outbreaks of Sick Children in Developing Countries. New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda. Springer Publishing. Details
2020 CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y. (2020). Physicians’ and Nurses’ Perceived Threats Toward Health Information Technology: A Military Hospital Case Study. Re-imagining Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology and Systems: A Continuing Conversation (pp. 601-613). Springer Publishing. Details
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Defining and Characterising the Landscape of eHealth. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. IGI Global. Details

Conference paper

Year Publication
2014 O'CONNOR, Y., TREACY, S., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2014). Examining Contextual Factors and Individual Value Dimensions of Healthcare Providers Intention to Adopt Electronic Health Technologies in Developing Countries. International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT.

Encyclopedia entry

Year Publication
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Defining and Characterising the Landscape of eHealth. IGI Global. Details

Magazine article

Year Publication
2018 DICK, S., O'CONNOR, Y., THOMPSON, M., O'DONOGHUE, J., HARDY, V., WU, J. T.-S. (2018). Towards an understanding of the Strengths, Weaknesses, and Considerations for Effective mHealth Evaluation: A Retrospective Investigation (Preprint). JMIR MHealth and UHealth. doi:10.2196/preprints.12424. Details


Year Publication
2013 O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'REILLY, P. (2013). A survey of mobile health system infusion among healthcare practitioners.
2012 O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'REILLY, P. (2012). Infusion of mobile health systems in the NHS: An empirical study.
2011 O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'REILLY, P. (2011). Understanding mobile technology post-adoption behaviour: Impact upon knowledge creation and individual performance. Details
2019 O'CONNOR, Y. (2019). Friends Forever: Clarity in online consent in social networking for people with learning disabilities. Academic Conferences and Publishing.
2013 O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., THORNTON, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2013). An Exploration of Customer-Centric Cloud Service Design. Details
2012 O'CONNOR, Y., O'REILLY, P., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2012). Individual infusion of m-health technologies: Determinants and outcomes.
2018 ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., LYNCH, L. (2018). The dark side of risk homeostasis when joining health social networks. Association of Information Systems.
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). The Evil Side of Sharing Personal Health Information Online. Association of Information Systems.
2015 MCCARTHY, S., O'CONNOR, Y., THOMPSON, M., O'SULLIVAN, T., RYAN, D., O'CONNOR, S. (2015). Wearable Vital Sign Sensors and Their Potential within Low and Middle Income Countries.. Association of Information Systems.
2016 O'CONNOR, Y., RYAN, D., HARDY, V., THOMPSON, M., WU, J. T.-S., HEAVIN, C. (2016). Stakeholders perspectives on paper-based and electronic clinical decision support systems in Malawi Africa. Details
2016 FITZGERALD, C., MCCARTHY, S., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y., CONNOR, Y. O., LYNCH, L., ADAM, F. (2016). Citizen participation in decision-making: can one make a difference? Journal of Decision Systems. Details
2016 FITZGERALD, C., MCCARTHY, S., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., ADAM, F. (2016). Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Can one make a difference?. Details
2018 ALOHALI, M., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y. (2018). Investigating the antecedents of perceived threats and user resistance to health information technology: Towards a comprehensive user resistance model. Association for Information Systems.
2015 BERKERY, T., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., RYAN, D., GALLAGHER, J., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2015). The importance of economic evaluations of mHealth pilots: A proposed Malawian Case-Study.
2016 O'CONNOR, Y., EZE, E., HEAVIN, C. (2016). The status Quo of IS conference publications on theorising ehealth in developing countries. Association for Information Systems.
2016 O'CONNOR, Y., HARDY, V., THOMPSON, M., MASTELLOS, N., TRAN, T., O'DONOGHUE, J., ... HEAVIN, C. (2016). The importance of form field validation: Lessons learnt from a feasibility study of an mHealth application in Malawi, Africa.
2017 DICK, S., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Randomised controlled trials as a method of evaluating mobile health interventions. Association of Information Systems.
2017 O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Privacy by Design: Informed Consent and Internet of Things for Smart Health. Elsevier. Details
2017 ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Exploring User Behaviours when Providing Electronic Consent on Health Social Networks: A 'Just Tick Agree' Approach. Elsevier. Details
2017 KENNY, G., HEAVIN, C., O'CONNOR, Y., NDIBUAGU, E. (2017). Bridging the knowledge gap: Towards a comprehensive mhealth training framework. Association for Information Systems.
2017 DICK, S., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2017). A comparison of mobile health evaluation techniques. Association for Information Systems.
2018 O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., HEAVIN, C. (2018). Vision and voice in e consent: Future trends for health social networks. Elsevier. Details
2018 O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., HEAVIN, C. (2018). Seeing is believing: User awareness of eConsent on health social networks. Academic Conferences and Publishing.
2014 O'DONOGHUE, J., O'CONNOR, Y., ADAM, F., ZARABZADEH, A., MCCARTHY, J. (2014). A staff utilisation-resource simulation model: Towards a hybrid decision support system in retail banking.
2017 KENNY, G., O'CONNOR, Y., EZE, E., NDIBUAGU, E., HEAVIN, C. (2017). A Ground-Up Approach to mHealth in Nigeria: A Study of Primary Healthcare Workers' Attitude to mHealth Adoption. Elsevier. Details
2011 O'CONNOR, Y., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'REILLY, P. (2011). Understanding Mobile Technology post-adoption usage: impact upon knowledge creation and individual performance., Italy.
2016 FITZGERALD, C., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., ADAM, F. (2016). Citizen participation in decision-making and the shaping of new technologies: can one make a difference? Journal of Decision Systems. Details
2012 O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., THORNTON, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2012). An Exploration of Customer-Centric Cloud Service Design. EDSS 2012: Design Science: Perspectives from Europe., Leixlip, Ireland.
2019 ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2019). Friends Forever: Clarity in online consent in social networking for people with learning disabilities. Academic Conferences and Publishing.