Training & Development for PhDs

All PhD students are required to complete PGR training that will enable them to conduct independent research. All PhD students must complete 15 credits of postgraduate research modules as a minimum.[1]

The following 5-credit modules are recommended for all CUBS PhD students:

  • BU7004 Business Research Skills
  • BU7005 Qualitative Research Methods
  • BU7006 Quantitative Research Methods
  • BU7007 Action Design Research

Further information on these modules is available through UCC’s Book of Modules and from the course coordinators. Where students and their Supervisory Team feel that these modules are not appropriate for their training (e.g. due to prior advanced knowledge in some of these areas or specific training needs in relation to their research), other modules should be chosen from the UCC postgraduate suite of modules. Information and registration for these modules is through Graduate Studies: research student modules, PhD, modules (

In case required training is not available through CUBS or UCC postgraduate modules, PhD students may get recognition for up to 10 credits over the course of their programme for external modules or courses. 

Additional career development training that is accessible to PGR students is provided by UCC and CUBS through relevant modules and PGR seminars. While MSc Research Students are not required to complete PGR modules, it is recommended that they discuss training needs with their supervisory team.


[1] Students who are registered on postgraduate research programmes that incorporate taught modules (e.g. DBA Business Economics; PhD Business Information Systems) should complete the training specified in these programmes.