"My name is Sarah Lisson and my team, Alina Buga, Timothy McGrath and Sean Connor and I had the pleasure of attending the 2024 Heavener International Case Competition at the University of Florida supported by UCC and CUBS. It was a fantastic experience that allowed my team and I to work together to solve real-world business cases in a case competition setting.
We spent the weeks leading up to the challenge preparing case studies with our fantastic mentors Ed Shinnick and Noel Woods, with whom we couldn’t have done without. The week began with us flying from Cork overseas to Gainesville, Florida. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with unforgettable Southern hospitality. Day 1 was sunny skies and we knew we were in for an incredible week!
The competition consisted of two challenging business cases. The first case was on a data analytics company and was to be completed in 8 hours. Our research focused on market research and selection, ESG regulations, as well as digital marketing for the company. The second case was a full 28 hours long! This case was more complex and centred around a water provider called ‘Primo Water’. This case had us presenting on topics such as electric
vehicles (ZEVs), supply chain management, infrastructure investment and regulatory compliance. Our team worked incredibly hard and we were very proud of the presentations we gave, overall finishing third in our division!
Overall the week was a complete success. The standard of work was incredible and getting to talk to motivated students from around the world was an invaluable experience. This extraordinary opportunity with UCC and CUBS will undeniably stand with myself and my team as we head into the business world.