Dr Brian O'Flaherty
Business Information Systems
University College Cork
Cork University Business School
Dr Brian O’Flaherty is a member of faculty in the Department of Business Information Systems at University College Cork. Having initially worked in the software industry, he has been teaching in UCC for over 21 years. He originally studied Computer Science and completed his doctoral research in Management Science at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He was involved with Business Information Systems in UCC from its inception and is the current academic director of the MSc (Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship), an Innovation practise programme. He is an active academic entrepreneur, with a spinout in Green IT and recently licensed a predictive analytics platform to a company.
Since January 2015, he is coordinating the EU-XCeL (Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning Across European Regions) Project, an EU funded Horizon 2020 project, which will establish ICT entrepreneurship education initiatives and spaces across Europe. It sets out to train ICT entrepreneurs to be ‘incubator ready’ and this is informed by research into current practice in incubators across Europe. EU-XCEL will develop a network of ICT entrepreneurship creative physical and virtual spaces and coordinate European-wide intensive entrepreneurial action training events called ‘Start-up Scrums’ between consortia members with international teams.
Grants and Honours
- 26/01/2017 - DNP
- 01/01/2015 - Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning across European Regions., University College Cork
- 30/01/2014 - Proposal Preparation.
- 30/01/2014 - Travel Support
- 20/01/2014 - Proposal Preparation.
- 10/01/2012 - Predict X - A Cloud based predictive Analytics Service Platform for Customer Retention in Publishing.
- 10/01/2012 - Predict X - A Cloud Based Predictive Analytics Service Platform for Customer Retention in Publishing.
- 06/01/2012 - UCC Research Commercialisation Award, University College Cork
- 05/01/2012 - To create a prototype that would allow a person to interact with a service delivery expert.
- 06/01/2011 - An exploration of Predictive Analytic Services.
- 06/01/2010 - National Award for Entrepreneurship Education, Enterprise Ireland
- 10/01/2009 - COPIT CO2 Reduction for Profit in IT
- 10/01/2009 - COPIT CO2 Reduction for Profit in IT
- 05/08/2008 - Innovation Voucher Calibration Services System Exploration, University College Cork
- 04/08/2003 - SAGIS-LoG - Spatial Data Infrsatructure Applicatiosn of Geographic Information Systems EU Asia IT&C, University College Cork
Research Domains
- Innovative Software
- Information Infrastructure
- New Product Development
- Predictive analytics
- IS Entrepreneurship Education
- Innovation and the entrepreneurial process
- 9999 - Doctoral Degree (Structured), University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 9999 - Doctoral Degree, University College Cork (Thesis Co-Supervisor)
- 2016 - DNP, University College Cork (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
- 2006 - E-government information infrastructures: an empirical investigation, University College Cork (Thesis Co-Supervisor)
Journal article
Year | Publication |
2012 | HAWKES, C. P., HANOTIN, S., O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., RYAN, C. A., DEMPSEY, E. M. (2012). Using smart phone technology to teach neonatal endotracheal intubation (NeoTube): application development and uptake. NeoTube: App for Neonatal Intubation. Acta Paediatrica. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2011.02499.x. Details |
2013 | O'FLAHERTY, B., O'DONOGHUE, J., BOGUE, J. (2013). Innovation Intermediation and Emerging Medical Devices-The Lead-User Method in Practice. Journal of Cases On Information Technology. |
2015 | GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2015). SCOPED: a set of design hypotheses targeting the visual perceptibility of interface items. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. doi:10.1504/IJHFE.2015.073005. Details |
2010 | BOYLAN, G. B., BURGOYNE, L., MOORE, C., O'FLAHERTY, B., RENNIE, J. M. (2010). An international survey of EEG use in the neonatal intensive care unit. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics. Details |
2015 | O'FLAHERTY, B., GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2015). SCOPED: a set of design hypotheses targeting the visual perceptibility of interface items. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 3 (3/4), 346-362. doi:10.1504/ijhfe.2015.073005. Details |
2000 | O'FLAHERTY, B. (2000). Intranet adoption in Irish organisations: a survey analysis. Systèmes d'Information et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 5 (2). |
Book chapter
Year | Publication |
2014 | O'FLAHERTY, B., HEAVIN, C. (2014). Positioning predictive analytics-A design evaluation. Supporting Decision Making with New Technologies. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Details |
2010 | O'FLAHERTY, B., O'DONOGHUE, J. (2010). The development of emerging medical devices: The lead-user method in practice. In Becker S.A, Niebuhr R.E (Eds.), Cases on Technology Innovation: Entrepreneurial Successes and Pitfalls. IGI Global. |
2006 | PLISKIN, N., LEVY, M., HEART, T., O'FLAHERTY, B., O'DEA, P. (2006). The corporate digital divide between smaller and larger firms. Social Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information Systems: IFIP TC8 WG8.2 International Working Conference, July 12–15, 2006, Limerick, Ireland (pp.413-417). IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details |
Year | Publication |
2013 | O'FLAHERTY, B., POPE, A., THORNTON, C., WOODWORTH, S. (2013). Capturing multi-stakeholder needs in customer-centric cloud service design. |
2014 | O'FLAHERTY, B., PRAMATARI, K., KATZENSTEIN, L., FITZGERALD, C. (2014). Entrepreneurial teaching and research in is. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). |
2012 | O'FLAHERTY, B., BOGUE, J. (2012). An exploratory study of innovation intermediation in IS education. |
2012 | GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2012). Human-Centred Design: Existing approaches and a future research agenda. |
2012 | GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2012). Procedurally transparent Design Science Research: A design process model. |
2013 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., THORNTON, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2013). An Exploration of Customer-Centric Cloud Service Design. Details |
2017 | TREACY, S., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B., NAGLE, T. (2017). Competitive market innovation contests and social capital: Diametrically opposed, or inherently linked?. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Association of Information Systems, Portugal. |
2004 | O'FLAHERTY, B., HAYES, E., KIELY, G., BARTLETT, D. (2004). The Dynamics of an NSDI – Towards an Analytical and Comparative Framework. |
2005 | O'FLAHERTY, B., BARTLETT, D., LYONS, G., KEANKEO, W., ENDIG, M., SCHULZ, J. E. (2005). Towards a Stage Model for GIS and SDI deployment in local government. |
2008 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WHALLEY, J. (2008). Inscriptions on intranets as information infrastructures - Exposing the cultivation chasm. |
2017 | TREACY, S., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B., NAGLE, T. (2017). Competitive market innovation contests and social capital: Diametrically opposed, or inherently linked?. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017. Association for Information Systems. |
2021 | TREACY, S., FELLER, J., NAGLE, T., O'FLAHERTY, B., BURCIN TULUKCU, S. (2021). Social Capital Mechanisms Underpinning Competitive Market Platforms. Academic Conferences and Publishing, Ireland. Details |
2020 | JUNGCHAROENSUKYING, E., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B., TREACY, S. (2020). An exploratory conceptual model for digital entrepreneurs within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE. Academic Conferences and Publishing, Italy. Details |
2020 | O'FLAHERTY, B., CACERES, D. A., PALMA, P. S., PRAMATARI, K. (2020). European-wide ICT entrepreneurship education in action. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE. Academic Conferences and Publishing, Italy. Details |
2020 | MURPHY, A., BOGUE, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2020). Exploration of the role of immigrant entrepreneurs in regional entrepreneurial food ecosystems. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE. Academic Conferences and Publishing, Italy. Details |
2017 | O'FLAHERTY, B., ORGAN, D., NOWAK, M., PADEWSKA, A., SAILER, K., ALONSO, A., ... BUCH, K. (2017). Towards Born European ICT Enterprises-The Challenges Of European ICT Entrepreneurship.. Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS). Association for Information Systems. |
2015 | O'FLAHERTY, B., THORNTON, C. (2015). Improving customer centric design for self-service predictive analytics. DESRIST 2015 - Tenth International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology., Dublin, Ireland. Details |
2015 | O'FLAHERTY, B., HEAVIN, C. (2015). Positioning predictive analytics for customer retention. Journal of Decision Systems. Details |
2014 | O'FLAHERTY, B., HEAVIN, C. (2014). Positioning Predictive Analytics-A Design Evaluation.. IOS Press. Details |
2012 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., THORNTON, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2012). An Exploration of Customer-Centric Cloud Service Design. EDSS 2012: Design Science: Perspectives from Europe., Leixlip, Ireland. |
2012 | GLEASURE, R., O'FLAHERTY, B., FELLER, J. (2012). Human-centred design: existing approaches and a future research agenda. Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems., Barcelona, Spain. |
2012 | GLEASURE, R., O'FLAHERTY, B., FELLER, J. (2012). SCOPED: The Development of an IS Design Theory from Neurologically Grounded Models of Visual Cognition. Proceedings of the Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2012., Gmunden, Austria. |
2006 | PLISKIN, N., LEVY, M., HEART, T., O'FLAHERTY, B., O'DEA, P. (2006). The Corporate Digital Divide Between Smaller and Larger Firms. IFIP TC8 WG 8.2 International Working Conference., Limerick, Ireland. Details |
2006 | O'FLAHERTY, B., KIELY, G., HAYES, E., BARTLETT, D. (2006). The dynamics of a spatial data infrastructure--a national case study. Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Conference on Information Systems,., Göteburg, Sweden. |
2004 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WHALLEY, J. (2004). From Intranets to Wrestling Information Infastructures. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, The European IS Profession in the Global Networking Environmen. ECIS 2004 Proceedings, Turku, Finland. |
2004 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WHALLEY, J. (2004). Qualitative analysis software applied to is research-Developing a coding strategy. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, The European IS Profession in the Global Networking Environment,. ECIS 2004 Proceedings, Turku, Finland. |
2003 | HARTE BARRY, O., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2003). A case of'non strategic'alignment-An IT and business unit liaison role.. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems., Naples, Italy. |
1996 | O'FLAHERTY, B. (1996). Implementing workflow automation systems: Implications for management control. Proceedings of HICSS-29: 29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences., Wailea, United States of America. |