BComm (3rd Year)
You can complete the Third Year of your Programme
(a) in UCC
(b) at a University abroad or
(c) you may spend Semester One Abroad and the remainder of the year in UCC
No student may register for the Third Year programme of study until the Second University Examination in Commerce has been passed.
Students spending Third Year in UCC
Third Year consists of core modules to the value of 20 credits consisting 10 credits of a subject area in which you have decided to major in and 10 credits of Transferable Skills, which will be based on your chosen major. Successful completion of the ECDL computer course is a pre-requisite for the Transferable Skills Work Placement and Research Project modules and this course must be taken, at your discretion, during Year 1 or Year 2. Places on the Work Placement option are limited and students will be ranked on the basis of their second year examination results and success at interview. Elective modules to the value of 40 credits from a subject group or combination of subject groups apart from the Major chosen. In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Commerce, a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits as follows: