Dr Wendy Rowan
Business Information Systems
Cork University Business School
University College Cork
Cork University Business School
[email protected]
ResearchGate Profile
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I have extensive experience in Psychology and Organisational Behaviour (OB), and Management Information Systems (MIS) both in Ireland and the UK. Past work experiences include roles such as Organisational Psychologist, and working within Clinical Quality Management. I have qualifications in Psychology, OB, and MIS, as well as qualifications in Psychiatry, having previously worked in this area within the NHS, UK. I have lectured on a variety of courses both in Management (Organisational Behaviour - OB, and Enquiry Based Research - ERB) and Health Sciences (Health Management, Mental Health and Counselling). More recently I lecture on Health Information Systems (HIS) within University College Cork and my research focuses on areas related to HIS, Management, OB and Sustainability. I have several publications and conference proceedings in the areas of Health, Management, and Sustainability.
Research Domains
- Health Information Systems and the impact of ICT on the delivery of healthcare
- Business Innovation
- Determinants of behaviour and behavioural change
- Connected health
- Social Relationships and Organisation Change
- Responsible Research and Innovation
- Ethics and Innovation
- Mobile Health
Journal article
Year | Publication |
2017 | ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Exploring the Situational Approach to Decision Making: User eConsent on a Health Social Network. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 11 (11), 2652-2657. |
2020 | MCCARTHY, S., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., FITZGERALD, C. (2020). Blended Stakeholder Participation for Responsible Information Systems Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04733. Details |
2021 | ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2021). Comprehension, Perception, and Projection. The Role of Situation Awareness in User Decision Autonomy When Providing eConsent. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 33 (6). doi:10.4018/JOEUC.286766. Details |
2020 | ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2020). Beyond a “Take It” or “Leave It” Approach to eConsent Design on Health Social Networks. The Role of Emotion and Cognition. International Journal of Patient-Centered Healthcare, 10 (2). Details |
2021 | MCCARTHY, S., ROWAN, W., KAHMA, N., ERTIO, T., LYNCH, L., ERTIÖ, T. P. (2021). Open e-learning platforms and the design–reality gap: an affordance theory perspective. Information Technology and People, 35 (8). doi:10.1108/ITP-06-2021-0501. Details |
2000 | MANN, S., VAREY, R., ROWAN, W. (2000). An exploration of the emotional impact of tele‐working via computer‐mediated communication. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15 (17). doi:10.1108/02683940010378054. Details |
2009 | ROWAN, W., ROBERTS, G. (2009). Communication, Clinical Directorates, and the Corporate NHS. Journal of Public Relations Research, 9 (2), 141-162. doi:10.1207/s1532754xjprr0902_04. Details |
2023 | MCCARTHY, S., ROWAN, W., MAHONY, C., VERGNE, A. (2023). The dark side of digitalization and social media platform governance: a citizen engagement study. Internet Research. Details |
2018 | O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., HEAVIN, C. (2018). Vision and Voice in eConsent: Future Trends for Health Social Networks.. Procedia Computer Science, 141, pp. 396-404. Details |
2017 | ROWAN, W., O’CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Exploring User Behaviours when Providing Electronic Consent on Health Social Networks: A ‘Just Tick Agree’ Approach. Procedia Computer Science, 121, pp. 968-975. Details |
1998 | SHARIFI, S., ROWAN, W. (1998). Labouring the label: cK or DKNY. Career Development International, 3 (7). doi:10.1108/13620439810370625. Details |
Year | Publication |
2018 | ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C., LYNCH, L. (2018). The dark side of risk homeostasis when joining health social networks. Association of Information Systems. |
2017 | O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). The Evil Side of Sharing Personal Health Information Online. Association of Information Systems. |
2017 | O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Privacy by Design: Informed Consent and Internet of Things for Smart Health. Elsevier. Details |
2017 | ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Exploring User Behaviours when Providing Electronic Consent on Health Social Networks: A 'Just Tick Agree' Approach. Elsevier. Details |
2018 | O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., HEAVIN, C. (2018). Vision and voice in e consent: Future trends for health social networks. Elsevier. Details |
2018 | O'CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., HEAVIN, C. (2018). Seeing is believing: User awareness of eConsent on health social networks. Academic Conferences and Publishing. |
2021 | MCCARTHY, S., MAHONY, C., ROWAN, W., TRAN-KARCHER, H. (2021). The Pragmatic School of Thought in Open Science Practice: A Case Study of Multi-stakeholder Participation in Shaping the Future of Internet Governance. Association for Information Systems. Details |
2021 | MCCARTHY, S., ROWAN, W., ERTIO, T., LYNCH, L., KAHMA, N. (2021). Open E-Learning Platforms and the Design-Reality Gap: Exploring the Impact of User-Perceived Functional Affordances. Association for Information Systems. |
2017 | O’CONNOR, Y., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., HEAVIN, C. (2017). Privacy by Design: Informed Consent and Internet of Things for Smart Health. Procedia Computer Science. Details |
2019 | ROWAN, W., O'CONNOR, Y., HEAVIN, C. (2019). Friends Forever: Clarity in online consent in social networking for people with learning disabilities. Academic Conferences and Publishing. |