Prof Joseph Feller

Joseph Feller


O'Rahilly Building 2.130
Business Information Systems
University College Cork
Cork University Business School

[email protected] LinkedIn profile ORCID profile


Joseph Feller is Professor of Information Systems and Digital Transformation, and serves as Programme Co-Director of the BSC in Business Information Systems, at the Cork University Business School, University College Cork.

Prof Feller’s research explores mass collaboration and peer-production phenomena (e.g. open source software/hardware/content/design; open innovation; open education/data/science; crowdsourcing and crowdfunding) and the use of games and simulation in teaching, innovation, and operational decision making.

His work is published/accepted in Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information SystemsJournal of the Association of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information and Organization, Information Technology and People, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and other highly respected peer-reviewed journals and conferences.

His research has been funded by European Commission (FP5/FP6), Irish Research Council, Science Foundation Ireland, Anspar Foundation (USA), and by direct-funding from partners. In 2015-2016, he was Founding President of Special Interest Group on Open Research and Practice (SIGOPEN) of the Association of Information Systems.

He currently teaches a series of four modules focused on professional development and ethics for Information Systems professionals (BSc BIS Year 1-4). He has over 20 years experience teaching in higher education and has previously taught modules on software development, database development, digital strategy, innovation strategy, interaction design, and research design and methods.

Grants and Honours

  • 01/10/2012 - Technology-Enabled Organizational Transparency and Openness, Foreign Research Institute
  • 01/01/2011 - ECIS 2011: Runner-Up Best Paper on Conference Theme, European Conference on Information Systems
  • 01/10/2010 - PHD Scholarship (Collaborative Construction of Virtual Worlds), Foreign Research Institute
  • 01/04/2007 - 03C (Open Code, Content and Commerce) Business Models, Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
  • 01/01/2000 - ICIS 2000:Best Paper on Conference Theme, The Association for Information Systems
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Other Activities

  • 20/08/2021 - Co-Chair of Doctoral Consortium
  • 01/07/2015 - Associate Editor
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Research Domains

  • Principal Investigator of the (TOTO) research project 
  • Open Code, Content and Commerce (O3C) Business Models (2007-2010)
  • PRISM (2001-2003), an EU FP5 funded programme of economic research, 
  •  Peer-Production
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  • 2012 - Open innovation networks : an exploration of value creation and capture with open source software (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
  • 2012 - A neurolegical information systems investigation of human-centred interface design principles based on visual processing (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
  • 2011 - Theorising the collaborative development of virtual goods : activity in immersive co-created environments (Thesis Primary Supervisor)
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Journal article

Year Publication
2012 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J., O'REILLY, P. (2012). 'Orchestrating' sustainable crowdsourcing: A characterisation of solver brokerages. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. doi:10.1016/j.jsis.2012.03.002. Details
2016 FELLER, J., GLEASURE, R., TREACY, S. (2016). Information sharing and user behavior in internet-enabled peer-To-peer lending systems: An empirical study. Journal of Information Technology. doi:10.1057/jit.2016.1. Details
2016 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2016). Does Heart or Head Rule Donor Behaviors in Charitable Crowdfunding Markets? International Journal of Electronic Commerce. doi:10.1080/10864415.2016.1171975. Details
2016 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2016). Emerging technologies and the democratisation of financial services: A metatriangulation of crowdfunding research. Information and Organization. doi:10.1016/j.infoandorg.2016.09.001. Details
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J. (2008). Delivering the 'whole product': Business model impacts and agility challenges in a network of open source firms. Journal of Database Management.
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., FITZGERALD, B., HAYES, J. (2008). From peer production to productization: A study of socially enabled business exchanges in open source service networks. Information Systems Research. doi:10.1287/isre.1080.0207. Details
2007 FELLER, J. (2007). Complexity and Context: Emerging Forms of Collaborative Inter-Organizational Systems.
2008 BUTLER, T., FELLER, J., POPE, A., EMERSON, W., MURPHY, C. (2008). Designing a core IT artefact for Knowledge Management Systems using participatory action research in a government and a non-government organisation. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. doi:10.1016/j.jsis.2007.10.002. Details
2003 ADAM, F., FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B. (2003). Logiciels Libres: Implications pour les Organisations. Systèmes D’Information et Management.
2009 FELLER, J., HAYES, J., O'REILLY, P., FINNEGAN, P. (2009). Institutionalising information asymmetry: governance structures for open innovation. Information Technology & People. Details
2015 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2015). SCOPED: a set of design hypotheses targeting the visual perceptibility of interface items. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. doi:10.1504/IJHFE.2015.073005. Details
2009 FAHY, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., MURPHY, C. (2009). Co-operatively re-engineering a financial services information supply chain: A case study. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration. Details
2017 LINK, G. J. P., LUMBARD, K., CONBOY, K., FELDMAN, M., FELLER, J., GEORGE, J., ... WILLIS, M. (2017). Contemporary issues of open data in information systems research: Considerations and recommendations. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 41 (1), 587-610. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04125. Details
2016 O’RIORDAN, S., FELLER, J., NAGLE, T. (2016). A categorisation framework for a feature-level analysis of social network sites. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2016.1187548. Details
2016 CARTON, F., BREZILLON, P., FELLER, J. (2016). Digital selves and decision-making contexts: towards a research agenda. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2016.1187416. Details
2002 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., VAN DER HOEK, A. (2002). Talking about OSS: Making sense of the bazaar - 1st workshop on open source software engineering. Workshop report. IEE Proceedings: Software. Details
2002 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., DER HOEK, A. V. (2002). Open source software engineering. IEE Proceedings: Software. Details
2002 FITZGERALD, B., FELLER, J. (2002). Guest editorial - A further investigation of open source software: Community, co-ordination, code quality and security issues. Information Systems Journal. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2575.2002.00125.x. Details
2004 FAHY, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., MURPHY, C. (2004). Moving up the mobile commerce value chain: 3G licenses, customer value and new technology. Annals of Cases On Information Technology.
2006 SCACCHI, W., FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., HISSAM, S., LAKHANI, K. (2006). Understanding free/open source software development processes. Software Process Improvement and Practice. Details
2006 KELLY, D., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2006). Complex Network-Based Information Systems (CNIS) standards: Toward an adoption model. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details
2011 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., NILSSON, O. (2011). Open innovation and public administration: Transformational typologies and business model impacts. European Journal of Information Systems. doi:10.1057/ejis.2010.65. Details
2013 MORGAN, L., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2013). Exploring value networks: Theorising the creation and capture of value with open source software. European Journal of Information Systems. doi:10.1057/ejis.2012.44. Details
2016 COSTELLO, J., FELLER, J., SAMMON, D. (2016). On the road to trusted data: an autoethnography of community governance and decision-making. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2016.1187413. Details
2017 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2017). A rift in the ground: Theorizing the evolution of anchor values in crowdfunding communities through the oculus rift case study. Journal of the Association for Information Systems.
2020 O'LEARY, K., GLEASURE, R., O'REILLY, P., FELLER, J. (2020). Reviewing the Contributing Factors and Benefits of Distributed Collaboration. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47, 476-520. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04722. Details
2015 O'FLAHERTY, B., GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2015). SCOPED: a set of design hypotheses targeting the visual perceptibility of interface items. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 3 (3/4), 346-362. doi:10.1504/ijhfe.2015.073005. Details
2023 O'RIORDAN, S., EMERSON, W., FELLER, J., KIELY, G. (2023). The Road to Open News: A Theory of Social Signalling in an Open News Production Community. Journal of Management Information Systems.
2022 O'LEARY, K., GLEASURE, R., O'REILLY, P., FELLER, J. (2022). Introducing the concept of creative ancestry as a means of increasing perceived fairness and satisfaction in online collaboration: An experimental study. Technovation, 110. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102369. Details
2017 SCHLAGWEIN, D., CONBOY, K., FELLER, J., LEIMEISTER, J. M., MORGAN, L. (2017). "openness" with and without Information Technology: A framework and a brief history. Journal of Information Technology, 32 (4), 297 - 305. doi:10.1057/s41265-017-0049-3. Details
2023 O’RIORDAN, S., EMERSON, W., FELLER, J., KIELY, G. (2023). The Road to Open News: A Theory of Social Signaling in an Open News Production Community. Journal of Management Information Systems, 40 (1), 130. doi:10.1080/07421222.2023.2172777. Details
2018 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2018). What kind of cause unites a crowd? Understanding crowdfunding as collective action. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 19 (3), 223 - 236.


Year Publication
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., FITZGERALD, B., HAYES, J. (2008). Bazaar by design: Managing interfirm exchanges in an open source service network. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details
2006 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., KELLY, D., MACNAMARA, M. (2006). Developing open source software: A community-based analysis of research. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details

Book chapter

Year Publication
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J., O'REILLY, P. (2008). Governance structures for open innovation: A preliminary framework. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Springer Publishing. Details
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J. (2008). Delivering the 'whole product': Business model impacts and agility challenges in a network of open source firms. Selected Readings on Information Technology and Business Systems Management. IGI Global. Details
2010 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., FITZGERALD, B., HAYES, J. (2010). 12 BAZAAR BY DESIGN: Managing. Information Technology in the Service Economy: Challenges and Possibilities for the 21st Century.
2010 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J. (2010). Beyond Open Source: The Business of ‘Whole'Software Solutions. Principle Advancements in Database Management Technologies: New Applications and Frameworks.
2006 BUTLER, T., FELLER, J., POPE, A., MURPHY, C. (2006). Making knowledge management systems open: A case study of the role of open source software. Open Source for Knowledge and Learning Management: Strategies Beyond Tools. Open Source for Knowledge and Learning Management: Strategies Beyond Tools. Details
2003 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., LJUNGBERG, J., BERQUISE, M. (2003). Open source and free software: Organizational and societal implications. Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization: IFIP TC8. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Details
2016 CROWSTON, K., FELLER, J., MOLS, C.-E., TONY WASSERMAN, A. I. (2016). The future of open source research: A panel discussion. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Details
2018 COSTELLO, J., FELLER, J., SAMMON, D. (2018). A layer framework for a precise, consistent and contributive autoethnography. Multifaceted Autoethnography: Theoretical Advancements, Practical Considerations and Field Illustrations (pp. 1-32). Nova Science Publishers.

Magazine article

Year Publication
2017 SMITH, J., FELLER, J., GLEASURE, R., O'REILLY, P., CRISTOFORO, J., SHANPING, L. (2017). Wise crowds, safe crowds: Balancing diversity & protection in crowd investing. Cutter IT Journal.
2010 FELLER, J. (2010). Opening statement. Cutter IT Journal.


Year Publication
2017 O'LEARY, K., O'REILLY, P., FELLER, J., GLEASURE, R., LI, S., CRISTOFORO, J. (2017). Exploring the application of blockchain technology to combat the effects of social loafing in cross functional group projects. Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2017 NEVIN, S., GLEASURE, R., O'REILLY, P., O’REILLY, P., FELLER, J., LI, S., CHRISTOFORO, J. (2017). Large crowds or large investments? How social identity influences the commitmentof the crowd. Association for Information Systems.
2017 STACK, P., FELLER, J., O'REILLY, P., GLEASURE, R., LI, S., CRISTOFORO, J. (2017). Managing risk in business centric crowdfunding platforms. Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2017 NEVIN, S., GLEASURE, R., O'REILLY, P., FELLER, J., LI, S., CRISTOFORO, J. (2017). Social identity and social media activities in equity crowdfunding. Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2017 WARREN, S., GLEASURE, R., O'REILLY, P., CRISTOFORO, J., FELLER, J., LI, S. (2017). When to use rewards in charitable crowdfunding. Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2016 WALSH, C., O'REILLY, P., FELLER, J., GLEASURE, R., LI, S., CRISTOFORO, J. (2016). New kid on the block: A strategic archetypes approach to understanding the Blockchain. Association for Information Systems.
2010 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J., O'REILLY, P. (2010). Leveraging 'The crowd': An exploration of how solver brokerages enhance knowledge mobility.
2012 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2012). Human-Centred Design: Existing approaches and a future research agenda.
2012 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B. (2012). Procedurally transparent Design Science Research: A design process model.
2016 GLOGOWSKA, D., CSÁKI, C., FELLER, J., GLEASURE, R. (2016). Reputation, user feedback, and perceived information quality in social internet media: An empirical study. Association for Information Systems.
2012 MORGAN, L., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2012). Open source innovation networks: Exploring high and low-density models. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS).
2010 CAHALANE, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2010). Investigating collaborative development activities in a virtual world: An activity theory perspective.
2014 CAHALANE, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J., O'REILLY, P. (2014). Leveraging Distributed Collective Intelligence: An Investigation of Solver Engagement with Innovation Challenges. Association of Information Systems, New Zealand.
2016 AHERN, L., FELLER, J., NAGLE, T. (2016). Social media as a support for learning in universities: an empirical study of Facebook Groups. Journal of Decision Systems. Details
2006 BUTLER, T., FELLER, J., ANDREW, A., EMERSON, W., MURPHY, C. (2006). An action research study on the design and development of core IT artifacts for knowledge management systems.
2006 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., HAYES, J. (2006). Open source networks: An exploration of business model and agility issues.
2004 BUTLER, T., FELLER, J., POPE, A., BARRY, P. (2004). Promoting Knowledge Sharing in Government and Non-Government Organizations Using Open Source Software. The pKADS Story. The Electronic Journal of e-Government.
2017 TREACY, S., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B., NAGLE, T. (2017). Competitive market innovation contests and social capital: Diametrically opposed, or inherently linked?. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Association of Information Systems, Portugal.
2019 KIELY, G., O'RIORDAN, S., EMERSON, W., FELLER, J. (2019). Do You Have a Source for That? Understanding the Challenges of Collaborative Evidence-based Journalism. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Open Collaboration. Association for Computing Machinery.
2017 O'REILLY, P., LI, S., CRISTIFORO, J., SHEEHAN, D., FELLER, J., GLEASURE, R. (2017). Does miner pooling impact bitcoin's ability to stay decentralized? Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2011 O'RIORDAN, S., FELLER, J., NAGLE, T. (2011). The impact of social network sites on the consumption of cultural goods.
2012 O'RIORDAN, S., FELLER, J., NAGLE, T. (2012). Exploring the affordances of social network sites: An analysis of three networks.
2001 FELLER, J. (2001). Thoughts on studying open source software communities. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Details
2001 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., VAN DER HOEK, A. (2001). (W18) 1st workshop on open source software engineering. Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering. Details
2002 FELLER, J. (2002). Meeting challenges and surviving success: The 2nd workshop on open source software engineering.
2003 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., HISSAM, S., LAKHANI, K. (2003). The 3rd workshop on open source software engineering.
2004 FELLER, J., HISSAM, S., FITZGERALD, B., LAKHANI, K. (2004). Collaboration, conflict and control: The 4th workshop on open source software engineering.
2005 FAHY, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., MURPHY, C. (2005). Re-engineering a financial information supply chain with xbrl: An exploration of co-operative ios design and development.
2005 FELLER, J., LAKHANI, K., FITZGERALD, B., SCACCHI, W., HISSAM, S. (2005). Open source application spaces: The 5th Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering.
2006 KELLY, D., FINNEGAN, P., FELLER, J. (2006). Open vs. Closed standards for ambient intelligence: An exploratory study of adoption.
2006 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., LUNDELL, B., ÖSTLING, M., ÅGERFALK, P. J., DEVEREL, A. (2006). 12 (not so) easy pieces: Grand challenges for open source software.
2007 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., SCACCHI, W., SILLITTI, A. (2007). Preface. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.
2007 FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., SCACCHI, W., SILLITTI, A. (2007). Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.
2007 CAPILUPPI, A., FELLER, J., FITZGERALD, B., HISSAM, S., LAKHANI, K., ROBLES, G., SCACCHI, W. (2007). First international workshop on emerging trends in FLOSS research and development. Details
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., LUNDELL, B., NILSSON, O. (2008). The servicitization of peer production: Reflections on the open source software experience. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details
2008 FELLER, J., LUNDELL, B., MARTTIIN, P., SCACCHI, W., SCHELLINGERHOUT, N. (2008). Panel: Opportunities and risks for open source software in industry. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., NILSSON, O. (2008). Opening public administration: Exploring open innovation archetypes and business model impacts. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Details
2008 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., NILSSON, O. (2008). "We have everything to win": Collaboration and open innovation in public administration,"Nous avons tout à gagner": La collaboration et l'innovation ouverte dans l'administration publique.
2009 FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., NILSSON, O. (2009). Architectures of participation and emergent forms of inter-organisational activity: A preliminary analysis.
2010 MORGAN, L., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2010). Value creation and capture with open source software: A theoretcial model for understanding the role of value networks.
2011 MORGAN, L., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2011). Exploring inner source as a form of intra-organisational open innovation.
2011 CAHALANE, M., FINNEGAN, P., FELLER, J. (2011). Collaborative development in the virtual world: Discourse, digital artefacts and the construction of intersubjective meaning.
2012 CAHALANE, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2012). Seeking the entanglement of immersion and emergence: Reflections from an analysis of the state of IS research on virtual worlds.
2010 ANDREEV, P., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P., MORETZ, J. (2010). Conceptualizing the commons-based peerproduction of software: An activity theoretic analysis.
2013 CAHALANE, M., FELLER, J., FINNEGAN, P. (2013). Peer produced innovation: An exploration of 'the wisdom of crowds' in virtual worlds.
2013 GERMONPREZ, M., CROWSTON, K., AVITAL, M., FELLER, J. (2013). Open IS: The is discipline as an open community ecosystem.
2014 GLEASURE, R., FELLER, J. (2014). Observations of non-linear information consumption in crowdfunding. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
2017 TREACY, S., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B., NAGLE, T. (2017). Competitive market innovation contests and social capital: Diametrically opposed, or inherently linked?. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017. Association for Information Systems.
2019 O'RIORDAN, S., EMERSON, W., KIELY, G., FELLER, J. (2019). Do you have a source for that? Understanding the challenges of collaborative evidence-based journalism. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym 2019. Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2021 TREACY, S., FELLER, J., NAGLE, T., O'FLAHERTY, B., BURCIN TULUKCU, S. (2021). Social Capital Mechanisms Underpinning Competitive Market Platforms. Academic Conferences and Publishing, Ireland. Details
2020 JUNGCHAROENSUKYING, E., FELLER, J., O'FLAHERTY, B., TREACY, S. (2020). An exploratory conceptual model for digital entrepreneurs within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE. Academic Conferences and Publishing, Italy. Details
2012 GLEASURE, R., O'FLAHERTY, B., FELLER, J. (2012). Human-centred design: existing approaches and a future research agenda. Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Information Systems., Barcelona, Spain.
2012 GLEASURE, R., O'FLAHERTY, B., FELLER, J. (2012). SCOPED: The Development of an IS Design Theory from Neurologically Grounded Models of Visual Cognition. Proceedings of the Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2012., Gmunden, Austria.
2020 O'RIORDAN, S., EMERSON, W., KIELY, G., FELLER, J. (2020). Theorizing hybrid models of peer production: A case study of an open collaborative journalism platform. Elsevier.
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