Dr Tao Chen

Dr Tao Chen


Lecturer in International Business

University College Cork Cork University Business School

+353 0872083946 [email protected] LinkedIn Profile


Managers are continuously looking for ways to improve their firms' competitive advantage in the face of global competition. In particular, firms in emerging countries have increasingly leveraged their non-market strategy to access external resources and sustain their competitive positions. Considering the importance of non-market strategy, he examines how firms improve their competition advantages by managing market and non-market strategies.  Simultaneously, as environmental issues become increasingly significant and garner more attention from society, academia, and industry, he considers sustainable development strategies an essential non-market strategy for firms. Consequently, he has also directed his research focus towards sustainable development studies.

He received his PhD degree from University of Surrey, MSc degree from Loughborough University and completed his bachelor’s degree at the China University of Mining and Technology. He has five-year work experience for an investment bank and investment corporation. He was honored to have received the Vice-Chancellor’s Studentship Award and the Best Reviewer Award for BAM 2023 Annual Conference. His research has been published in leading international journals and conferences such as International Business Review and SMS annual conference.

Research Interests:


Non-market strategy

International Business




22/7/2024 The 3rd EIBA Summer School

2/7/2024 Academy of International Business Annual Conference

4/4/2024 Academy of International Business_ UKI Annual Conference

30/9/2023 Strategic Management Society Annual Conference

1/9/2023 British Academy Management Annual Conference

5/7/2023 Academy of International Business Annual Conference

13/4/2023 Academy of International Business_ UKI Annual Conference

8/12/2022 European International Business Academy Annual Conference

8/4/2022 Academy of International Business_ UKI Annual Conference




Chen, T, Park, H and Rajwani, T (2024). "Diverse Human Resource Slack and Firm Innovation: Evidence of Politically Connected Firms". International Business Review.

Chen, T, Wu, Y, Hao, C, (2013). "Research on Logistics Reengineering and Development of Coal Enterprises". Coal Technology, China.