Dr Simon Woodworth
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Business Information Systems
O'Rahilly Building
University College Cork
Cork University Business School
[email protected]
LinkedIn profile
ORCID profile
Dr Simon Woodworth is a Lecturer in Business Information Systems,with research interests in Enterprise Systems, Health informatics, MobileComputing and Data Analytics. He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science (1988), anM.Sc. in Management Information Systems (2005) and a Ph.D. in BusinessInformation Systems (2013). He is Director of the Health Information SystemsResearch Centre.
Simon previously spent fifteen yearsworking in the telecommunications sector for both Ericsson and Motorola. Heworked in a wide variety of posts, ranging from mobile network customer care inSoutheast Asia to commissioning mobile telephone exchanges in locations such asYemen, Nigeria and Siberia.
Simon teaches undergraduate courses in mobileprogramming and postgraduate courses in mobile and client – server programming.These courses are delivered in a computer lab environment and make extensiveuse of mobile, desktop and cloud technologies.
In the last two years, Simon has worked ona number of health informatics research projects, in particular the use of atablet application to automate patient vital signs capture and calculation ofearly warning score in the hospital. Current research work also includes thetracking of hypertension in pregnant women in the home with a view todeveloping an early warning of pre-eclampsia, the tracking of infant earlydevelopment using a mobile app, and a large scale project to provide mobileapps and decision support and learning tools to better manage large scaledisasters in a European context.
- English
- German
Grants and Honours
- 03/07/2016 - To develop a prototype wearable device for the detection of unwanted movement while shooting., Enterprise Ireland
- 22/09/2014 - Commercial Case Feasibility Study., Enterprise Ireland
- 21/07/2010 - Prototype multi user online business finance learning application, Enterprise Ireland
- 22/02/2010 - The purpose of this project is to investigate the application of a mass customisation model to what is traditionally a labour intensive artisan product., Enterprise Ireland
- 04/01/2010 - The purpose of the project is to prove the benefits of the Majic platform in the mobile share trading market by building a prototype of a feature-rich share trading application., Enterprise Ireland
- 04/10/2009 - EI - Feasibility study of marketing data gathering mechanism for student discount card, Enterprise Ireland
- 27/04/2009 - EI - IV-2009-0053-T Prototyping of client - server of mobile applications, Enterprise Ireland
- 08/01/2009 - EI Innovation Voucher 2009-1150, Enterprise Ireland
- 08/01/2009 - Investigate incorporation of a Mi Card Loyalty usage tracking system., Enterprise Ireland
- 08/01/2008 - EI - Prototyping of Pest Control IT Application, Enterprise Ireland
- 03/01/2008 - EI - Creation of Virtual Web showroom, Enterprise Ireland
Other Activities
- 19/05/2021 - Op-Ed in Irish Examiner on HSE Cyberattack, The Irish Examinar
- 16/05/2021 - Interview with The Sunday Times on HSE Cyberattack, The Times
- 16/05/2021 - Interview with RTÉ TV News on HSE Cyberattack, RTE
- 15/05/2021 - Interview with Times Online on HSE Cyberattack, The Times
- 14/05/2021 - Interview with Wall Street Journal on HSE Cyberattack, Wall Street Journal
- 14/05/2021 - Interview with RTÉ News At One on HSE Cyberattack, RTE
- 14/05/2021 - Interview with BBC World Service on HSE Cyberattack, BBC
- 01/01/2021 - College Learning and Teaching Sub Committee, College of Business and Law
- 01/10/2020 - Co-Chair, Online Learning Team, Cork University Business School
- 12/03/2020 - Adaptation and deployment of Emergency Management Information System for bed management, Health Service Executive
- 01/01/2020 - HIQA Advisory panel on the movement of patient data between hospitals, Health Service Executive
- 04/04/2019 - RTÉ Brainstorms article on Cybersecurity concerns for SMEs, RTE
- 01/01/2019 - CUBS representative, Digital Education Advisory Group. This group has oversight of all online / digital teaching and learning at university level, University College Cork
Pedagogic Experiences
- 2020 - Ethical Hacking and Threat Analysis, University College Cork, MSc (Cyber Risk for Business)
- 2020 - Introduction to Java Programming, University College Cork, BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems
- 2020 - Applied Research in Cyber Risk, University College Cork, MSc (Cyber Risk for Business)
- 2019 - Programming for Data and Business Analytics, University College Cork, MSc (Cyber Risk for Business)
- 2019 - Programming for Data and Business Analytics, University College Cork, MSc (Cyber Risk for Business)
- 2019 - Software Development and Operations, University College Cork, BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems
- 2019 - Introduction to Java Programming, University College Cork, BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems
- 2019 - Applied Research in Cyber Risk, University College Cork, MSc (Cyber Risk for Business)
- 2019 - Ethical Hacking and Threat Analysis, University College Cork, MSc (Cyber Risk for Business)
Research Domains
- Connected Health
- Famine emergency responses
- Decision Support
- Information security management
Journal article
Year | Publication |
2015 | KELLETT, J., MURRAY, A., WOODWORTH, S., HUANG, W. (2015). Trends in weighted vital signs and the clinical course of 44,531 acutely ill medical patients while in hospital.. Acute Medicine. |
2014 | MURRAY, A., KELLETT, J., HUANG, W., WOODWORTH, S., WANG, F. (2014). Trajectories of the averaged abbreviated Vitalpac™ early warning score (AbEWS) and clinical course of 44,531 consecutive admissions hospitalized for acute medical illness. Resuscitation. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2013.12.015. Details |
2013 | KELLETT, J., WANG, F., WOODWORTH, S., HUANG, W. (2013). Changes and their prognostic implications in the abbreviated VitalPAC™ Early Warning Score (ViEWS) after admission to hospital of 18,827 surgical patients. Resuscitation. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2012.12.002. Details |
2013 | KELLETT, J., WOODWORTH, S., WANG, F., HUANG, W. (2013). Changes and their prognostic implications in the abbreviated Vitalpac™ early warning score (ViEWS) after admission to hospital of 18,853 acutely ill medical patients. Resuscitation. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2012.08.331. Details |
2012 | HAWKES, C. P., HANOTIN, S., O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., RYAN, C. A., DEMPSEY, E. M. (2012). Using smart phone technology to teach neonatal endotracheal intubation (NeoTube): application development and uptake. NeoTube: App for Neonatal Intubation. Acta Paediatrica. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2011.02499.x. Details |
2013 | ZARABZADEH, A., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'CONNOR, Y., O'KANE, T., WOODWORTH, S., GALLAGHER, J., ... O'CONNOR, S. (2013). Variation in health care providers' perceptions: Decision making based on patient vital signs. Journal of Decision Systems. doi:10.1080/12460125.2013.817063. Details |
2017 | LIM, Y. Y., MCCARTHY, S., GARCIA, M. S., CUNEEN, M., THOMPSON, G., ASSEM, H., ... O'REILLY, P. (2017). OP 4 Learning to evaluate and manage antenatal blood pressure at home (LEANBH). Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women's Cardiovascular Health. doi:10.1016/j.preghy.2017.07.027. Details |
2012 | NEVILLE, K. M., WOODWORTH, S., O'SULLIVAN ROCHFORD, C. (2012). A three-disciplined approach to the development of a financial learning management system (FinLMS). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Details |
2016 | MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., WOODWORTH, S., LIM, Y. L., ADAM, F., KENNY, L. C. (2016). An integrated patient journey mapping tool for embedding quality in healthcare service reform. Journal of Decision Systems, 25 (10), 354-368. doi:10.1080/12460125.2016.1187394. Details |
2020 | MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., KENNY, L. C., WOODWORTH, S., LIM, Y. Y., LIM, Y. Y., ... ADAM, F. (2020). The ‘Integrated Patient Journey Map’: A Design Tool for Embedding the Pillars of Quality in Health Information Technology Solutions (Preprint). JMIR Human Factors, 7 (3). doi:10.2196/17416. Details |
2023 | BUTLER, D., BUTLER, R., MAXCY, J., WOODWORTH, S. (2023). Outcome Uncertainty and Viewer Demand for Basic Cable Boxing. Journal of Sports Economics. doi:10.1177/15270025231156052. Details |
Conference paper
Year | Publication |
2011 | WOODWORTH, S., NEVILLE, K. M., ADAM, F. (2011). An integrated approach to teaching a Retail Dashboard development case. NAIRTL. |
2014 | CREEDON, F., O'KANE, T., O'DONOGHUE, J., ADAM, F., WOODWORTH, S., O'CONNOR, S. (2014). Evaluating the Utility of the Irish HSE's Paper Based Early Warning Score Chart: A Reflective Data Gathering Phase for the Design of the REVIEWS Framework.. DSS. |
Magazine article
Year | Publication |
2016 | O'REILLY, P., MCCARTHY, S., WOODWORTH, S., ADAM, F. (2016). Fictional Prototyping for Digital Transformation. Cutter IT Journal. |
2010 | WOODWORTH, S., R., B. (2010). The web as a secure application delivery platform for mobile devices. Cutter IT Journal. |
Year | Publication |
2013 | O'FLAHERTY, B., POPE, A., THORNTON, C., WOODWORTH, S. (2013). Capturing multi-stakeholder needs in customer-centric cloud service design. |
2013 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., THORNTON, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2013). An Exploration of Customer-Centric Cloud Service Design. Details |
2013 | CREEDON, F., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'KANE, T., ADAM, F., WOODWORTH, S., O’CONNOR, S. (2013). An approach for reflectively discovering and synthesizing design knowledge for situated artifacts: The case of the early warning score chart. Communications in Computer and Information Science. |
2009 | WOODWORTH, S., NEVILLE, K. M., ADAM, F. (2009). A Teaching Case Exploring The Development & Value Of A Retail Dashboard. |
2017 | STEEN, O., POPE, A., RAUNER, M., HOLMBERG, N., WOODWORTH, S., O'RIORDAN, S. (2017). A comprehensive decision support system for enhanced emergency decision management and training. Springer Publishing. Details |
2016 | CONRADO, S. P., NEVILLE, K., WOODWORTH, S., O’RIORDAN, S. (2016). Managing social media uncertainty to support the decision making process during Emergencies. Details |
2014 | HEAVIN, C., WOODWORTH, S., MULCAHY, H., LEAHY-WARREN, P. (2014). The use of mobile technology to manage child health information: An Irish study. |
2012 | ZARABZADEH, A., ADAM, F., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'CONNELL, M., O'CONNOR, S., WOODWORTH, S., ... O'KANE, T. (2012). Moving towards a sensor-based patient monitoring system: Evaluating its impact on data and information quality. |
2012 | ZARABZADEH, A., O'CONNELL, M., O'DONOGHUE, J., O'KANE, T., WOODWORTH, S., ADAM, F., ... O'CONNOR, S. (2012). Features of electronic early warning systems which impact clinical decision making. Details |
2014 | CREEDON, F., O'KANE, T., ADAM, F., O'DONOGHUE, J., WOODWORTH, S., O'CONNOR, S. (2014). Evaluating the utility of the irish HSE's paper based early warning score chart: A reflective data gathering phase for the design of the REVIEWS framework. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Details |
2016 | O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., MCCARTHY, S., WOODWORTH, S., ADAM, F., LIM, Y. L., KENNY, L. C. (2016). IoT and the emerging role of fictional prototyping. |
2019 | ALHARBI, F., MCAVOY, J., WOODWORTH, S. (2019). An Examination of Barriers to the Adoption of Smart Living Services: A Case Study of the Al-Madinah Region Development Authority. International Consortium for Electronic Business. |
2012 | O'FLAHERTY, B., WOODWORTH, S., THORNTON, C., O'CONNOR, Y. (2012). An Exploration of Customer-Centric Cloud Service Design. EDSS 2012: Design Science: Perspectives from Europe., Leixlip, Ireland. |
2022 | O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., HARRIS, R., DEMPSEY, E., MURRAY, D., WOODWORTH, S., ADAM, F. (2022). Towards a blueprint for decision support in connected health: scenarios in maternal and child health. Journal of Decision Systems. Details |
2022 | HARRIS, R., DEMPSEY, E., MURRAY, D., WOODWORTH, S., O'REILLY, P., ADAM, F. (2022). Towards a blueprint for decision support in connected health: scenarios in maternal and child health. Journal of Decision Systems. Details |