Dr Lorenzo Cini
O'Rahilly Building Cork University Business School University College Cork
Lorenzo is Lecturer in Employment Relations and HRM at the Cork University Business School, University College Cork, Ireland. Prior to joining UCC, he was Marie Curie Skłodowska Research Fellow at the University College Dublin. There, he was the principal investigator of the research action, “COntesting GOvernance by NUmbers: The Mobilizations of Food Delivery Couriers across Europe in Time of the Pandemic (COGONU),” investigating the causes, trajectories, and outcomes of mobilizations of these workers since 2016 in different European cities before and during the Covid crisis.
Lorenzo is Editorial Board member of the ABS4 journal Work, Employment & Society.
His main research interests are social movements and conflicts in the current transformations of the world of work. His research has been published in leading international journals, such as Theory and Society; New Technology, Work and Employment; European Journal of Industrial Relations, and Work, Employment and Society, as well as academic university press, such as Bristol University Press.
Lorenzo holds a PhD in social and political science from the European University Institute (EUI) of Florence.
Research Interests
- Contentious Politics
- Employment and Industrial Relations
- The Gig Economy
- Institutional Theory
- Trade Union and Labour Politics
Year | Publication |
2023 | Atzeni M, Cini L (2023), New Theories and Politics for Working Class Organizing in the Gig and Precarious World of Work, Economic and Industrial Democracy, DOI: 10.1177/0143831X231201009. |
2023 | Cini L (2023), How Algorithms Are Reshaping the Exploitation of Labour-power: Insights into the Process of Labour Invisibilization in the Platform Economy, Theory and Society, 52: 885-911. |
2022 | Cini L (2022), Resisting Algorithmic Control. Understanding the Rise and Variety of Platform Worker Mobilizations, New Technology, Work and Employment, 38(1): 125-144. |
2022 | della Porta D, Chesta RE, Cini L (2022), Mobilizing against the Odds. Solidarity in Action in the Platform Economy, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 32: 213–241. |
2022 | Cini L, Gabbriellini F, Gabbuti G, Moro A, Rizzo B, Tassinari A (2022), La Lutte des Ouvriers de GKN à Florence, Entre Auto-organisation Ouvrière et Mobilisation Sociale, Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 177(1): 3-17. |
2021 | Cini L (2021), (Re)mobilizing Labour. A Lesson from Recent Labour Struggles in Italy, Social Movement Studies, 22(2): 163-170. |
2021 | Cini L, Maccarrone V, Tassinari A (2021), With or Without U(nions)? Understanding the Diversity of Gig Workers’ Organizing Practices in Italy and the UK, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(3): 341–362. |
2021 | Cini L, Colloca P, Maggini N, Tomassi F, Valbruzzi M (2021), Inchiesta su Periferie Urbane, Disagio Socioeconomico e Voto. I Casi di Bologna, Firenze e Roma, Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 2: 137-177. |
2021 | Politi E, Piccitto G, Cini L, Béal A, Staerklé C (2021), Mobilizing Precarious Workers in Italy: Two Pathways of Collective Action Intentions, Social Movement Studies, 21(5): 608-624. |
2020 | Cini L, Goldmann B (2020), The Worker Capabilities Approach: Insights from Worker Mobilisations in Italian Logistics and Food Delivery, Work, Employment and Society, 35(5): 948–967. |
2020 | Tassinari A, Chesta RE, Cini L (2020), Labour Conflicts over Health and Safety in the Italian Covid19 Crisis, Interface, 12(1): 128-138. |
2020 | Cini L, Goldmann B (2020), Dal controllo alla mobilitazione. Le lotte dei ciclofattorini e dei facchini della logistica in Italia, Labour&Law Issues, 6(1): 1-34. |
2020 | Caruso L, Cini L (2020), Rethinking the Link Between Structure and Collective Action. Capitalism, Politics, and the Theory of Social Movements, Critical Sociology, 46(7-8): 1005-1023. |
2019 | Cini L (2019), Disrupting the Neoliberal University in South Africa. The #FeesMustFall Movement in 2015, Current Sociology, 67 (7): 942-959. |
2019 | Caruso L, Chesta RE. Cini L (2019), Le nuove mobilitazioni dei lavoratori nel capitalismo digitale: una comparazione tra i ciclo-fattorini della consegna di cibo e i corrieri di Amazon nel caso italiano, Economia e Società Regionale, (1): 61-78. |
2019 | Cini L (2019), The 2015 Student Mobilizations in South Africa. Contesting Post-Apartheid Higher Education, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 12(1): 43-70. |
2018 | Cini L, Felicetti A (2018), Participatory Deliberative Democracy: Toward a New Standard for Assessing Democracy? Some Insights into the Italian Case, Contemporary Italian Politics, 10(2): 151-169. |
2017 | Cini L, Chironi D, Drapalova E, Tomasello F (2017), Towards a Critical Theory of Social Movements: An Introduction, Anthropological Theory, 17 (4): 429-452. |
2017 | Cini L (2017), Successful Student Activism in Contemporary Italian Universities, Italian Political Science Review, 47 (3): 337-358. |
2017 | Cini L, Guzman-Concha C (2017), Student Movements in the Age of Austerity. The cases of England and Italy, Social Movement Studies, 16 (5): 623-628. |
2017 | Cini L, (2017), Italian Students as a Political Actor. The Policy Impact of the Recent Student Mobilizations in the Field of Higher Education, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 10 (1): 306-332. |
Year | Publication |
2022 | della Porta D, Chesta RE, Cini L (2022), Labour Conflicts in the Digital Age. A Comparative Perspective, Bristol: Bristol University Press. |
2020 | della Porta D, Cini L, Guzman-Concha C (2020), Contesting Higher Education. Student Movements against Neoliberal Universities, Bristol: Bristol University Press. |
2019 | Cini L (2019), The Contentious Politics of Higher Education. Struggles and Power Relations within English and Italian Universities, London: Routledge. |
2012 | Casalini B, Cini L (2012), Giustizia, uguaglianza e differenza. Una guida alla lettura della filosofia politica contemporanea, Florence: Firenze University Press. |
2012 | Cini L (2012) Società Civile e Democrazia Radicale, Florence: Firenze University Press: Florence. |
Year | Publication |
2021 | Cini L, della Porta D, Guzman-Concha C (2021), Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism. Dynamics of Contention and their Consequences, London: Palgrave MacMillan. |
Year | Publication |
2023 | Cini L, Ríos-Jara H (2023), Contemporary Student Movements and Capitalism. A Marxist Debate, in Hall R, Accioly I, Szadkowski K (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan International Handbook of Marxism and Education, London: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2023 | Maccarrone V, Cini L, Tassinari A (2023), Resistance and Struggle in the Gig Economy, in Atzeni,M, Azzellini D, Mezzadri A, Moore P, Apitzsch U (eds), Research Handbook of the Global Political Economy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. |
2022 | Cini L, Tassinari A (2022), Trade Unions in the Gig Economy, in Snow D, della Porta D, Klandermans B, McAdam D (eds), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (second edition). |
2022 | Cini L (2022), Student protests, U.K in Snow D, della Porta D, Klandermans B, McAdam D (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (second edition). |
2022 | Cini L (2022), Student protests, Italy, in Snow D, della Porta D, Klandermans B, McAdam D (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (second edition). |
2022 | Cini L (2022), Student Activism in Contemporary Universities. Different Forms of Academic Freedom in Student Experience, in Olssen M, Watermeyer R, Raaper R (eds.), Handbook on Academic Freedom, Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar books. |
2021 | Cini L, Maggini N (2021), Firenze, in Valbruzzi M (ed.), Come Votano le Periferie. Comportamento Elettorale e Disagio Sociale nelle Città Italiane, Bologna: Il Mulino. |
2021 | Cini L, della Porta D, Guzman-Concha C (2021), Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism. Forms of Organization, Alliances, and Outcomes, in Cini L, della Porta D, Guzman-Concha C (eds.), Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism: Dynamics of Contention and Their Consequences, London: Palgrave MacMillan. |
2020 | Cini L (2020), Student Power, in David M, Amey M (eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. |
2019 | Cini L (2019), Sul Lavoro. Conflitti e Identità Sociali, in Bertuzzi N, Caciagli C, Caruso L (eds.), Popolo Chi? Classi Popolari, Periferie e Politica in Italia, Roma: Ediesse. |
2017 | Cini L (2017), From Student to General Struggles. The Protests against the Neoliberal Reforms in Higher Education in Contemporary Italy, in Ayyash M, Hadj-Moussa R (eds.), Generations and Protests: Legacies, Emergences in the MENA Region and the Mediterranean, Leiden: Brill. |
2016 | Cini L (2016), Student Struggles and Power Relations in Contemporary Universities. The Cases of Italy and England, in Brooks B (ed.), Student Politics and Protest: International Perspectives, Routledge: London. |
Year | Publication |
2017 | Cini L (2017), Bosi L, Giugni M, Uba K (2016), The Consequences of Social Movements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 10(2) 2017: 656-660. ISSN: 1972-7623. |
2015 | Cini L (2015), della Porta D (2015), Social Movements in Times of Austerity: Bringing Capitalism Back into Protest Analysis. Cambridge: Polity Press, Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 2(4): 515-520. ISSN: 2148-8347. |
2015 | Cini L (2015), Bobbio N (2014), Scritti su Marx. La Dialettica, lo Stato, la Società Civile. Rome: Donzelli, Filosofia Italiana. ISSN: 2611-2892. |