Dr Helen Mcgrath
Management & Marketing
University College Cork
Cork University Business School
[email protected]
LinkedIn profile
ORCID profile
Following the completion of her PhD, Helen McGrath joined the staff of University College Cork as a marketing lecturer. Helen is currently the Director of the MSc in Strategic Marketing and Practice and is responsible for teaching marketing modules both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her research specialism is on the development of network capability in entrepreneurial and new ventures. She has widely published in the leading journals in her field such as Industrial Marketing Management, International Small Business Journal, European Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Business Research. Dr McGrath is a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing and a board member of the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) group of researchers.
Grants and Honours
- 25/08/2022 - Best Paper, IMP Conference, University of Florence
- 22/06/2022 - EI Coordinator Support Grant, Enterprise Ireland
- 01/06/2022 - Best Paper, CBIM Conference, Georgia State University
- 17/12/2020 - Research Excellence Award, University College Cork
- 01/11/2018 - Research Excellence Award, Cork University Business School
- 01/10/2017 - Developing a Social Media Network Capability for B2B entrepreneurial firms., Irish Research Council
- 25/08/2016 - Best Paper: IMP Conference, Poznan University of Economics
- 01/04/2016 - Erasmus+ Funding, Cork University Business School
- 22/08/2013 - Best Paper: IMP Conference, Georgia State University
- 23/08/2012 - Best Paper: IMP Conference, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore
- 01/01/2005 - PhD Scholarship, Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Other Activities
- 22/08/2023 - IMP Doctoral Consortium, University of Manchester
- 02/11/2022 - University of Sydney, University of Sydney
- 01/09/2022 - Invited academic member of the IMP Doctoral Consortium, University of Florence
- 16/06/2022 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: Center for Business and Industrial Marketing (CBIM) Conference
- 10/01/2022 - JBIM Special Issue
- 03/01/2022 - IMM
- 11/11/2021 - Viva, Liverpool Business School
- 24/08/2021 - Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference
- 10/03/2021 - Athabasca University, Athabasca University
- 05/08/2020 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Sweden
- 01/04/2020 - PhD Confirmation Viva, Waterford Institute of Technology
- 01/01/2020 - Member of the IMP Board
- 01/01/2020 - JBR Reviewer
- 01/09/2019 - IMP Conference
- 11/06/2019 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: Center for Business and Industrial Marketing (CBIM) Conference
- 03/09/2018 - Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick Institute of Technology
- 03/09/2018 - Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
- 29/08/2018 - Invited academic member of the IMP Doctoral Consortium, Kedge Business School
- 05/06/2018 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: Center for Business and Industrial Marketing (CBIM) Conference
- 04/09/2017 - Economic and Social Review
- 01/08/2017 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Kuala Lumpur
- 03/07/2017 - European Con ference on I nformation Technology Evaluation
- 25/08/2016 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Poland
- 01/01/2016 - IMM reviewer
- 01/01/2016 - JBIM reviewer
- 20/08/2015 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Denmark
- 19/07/2015 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference
- 15/06/2015 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: Human Resource Development Research and Practice
- 21/08/2014 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference France
- 04/06/2014 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: Babson Conference
- 30/08/2013 - Peer Reviewed Conference Presentation: Irish Academy of Management
- 28/08/2013 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Atlanta
- 21/08/2013 - Invited academic member of the IMP Doctoral Consortium, Georgia State University
- 26/08/2012 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Rome
- 25/08/2011 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Glasgow
- 24/08/2010 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Budapest
- 30/07/2009 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference France
- 23/08/2007 - Peer-reviewed paper presentation: IMP Conference Manchester
Pedagogic Experiences
- 2021 - MBA, Cork University Business School
- 2019 - Business-to-Business Relationship Marketing Practice, University College Cork, MSc Strategic Marketing and Practice
- 2018 - Business Networks, University College Cork
- 2018 - International Marketing Environment, University College Cork
- 2018 - International Marketing Environment, University College Cork
- 2017 - International Marketing, Kedge Business School
- 2019 - The impact of social media on resource mobilisation in entrepreneurial firms, University College Cork (Thesis Co-Supervisor)
- 2024 - Privacy and Big Data in Consumer Culture: The Construction of Online Personas and Identities in the Age of Database Marketing, University College Cork (Thesis Co-Supervisor)
Journal article
Year | Publication |
2018 | O'TOOLE, T., MCGRATH, H. (2018). Strategic patterns in the development of network capability in new ventures. Industrial Marketing Management. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.07.003. Details |
2018 | DRUMMOND, C., MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T. (2018). The impact of social media on resource mobilisation in entrepreneurial firms. Industrial Marketing Management. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.05.009. Details |
2017 | MCGRATH, H., O’TOOLE, T. (2017). Extending the concept of familiness to relational capability: A Belgian micro-brewery study. International Small Business Journal. doi:10.1177/0266242617730885. Details |
2018 | MCGRATH, H., MEDLIN, C. J., O'TOOLE, T. (2018). A process-based model of network capability development by a start-up firm. Industrial Marketing Management. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.11.011. Details |
2018 | MCGRATH, H., O’TOOLE, T., MARINO, L., SUTTON-BRADY, C. (2018). A relational lifecycle model of the emergence of network capability in new ventures. International Small Business Journal. doi:10.1177/0266242617738571. Details |
2016 | MCGRATH, H., O’TOOLE, T. (2016). Using action research and action learning for entrepreneurial network capability development. Action Learning. doi:10.1080/14767333.2016.1162136. Details |
2014 | MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T. (2014). A cross-cultural comparison of the network capability development of entrepreneurial firms. Industrial Marketing Management. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2014.05.004. Details |
2013 | MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T. (2013). Enablers and inhibitors of the development of network capability in entrepreneurial firms: A study of the Irish micro-brewing network. Industrial Marketing Management. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.07.008. Details |
2012 | MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T. (2012). Critical issues in research design in action research in an SME development context. European Journal Of Training And Development. doi:10.1108/03090591211232075. Details |
2010 | MCGRATH, H., O’TOOLE, T. (2010). The Potential and Challenge of the Network Realization Capability for SMEs in Ireland and Finland. Journal of Business Market Management. doi:10.1007/s12087-010-0030-8. Details |
2019 | MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T., CANNING, L. (2019). Coopetition: a fundamental feature of entrepreneurial firms' collaborative dynamics. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. doi:10.1108/jbim-10-2018-0287. Details |
2020 | DRUMMOND, C., O'TOOLE, T., MCGRATH, H. (2020). Digital engagement strategies and tactics in social media marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 54 (6). doi:10.1108/EJM-02-2019-0183. Details |
2021 | MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T. (2021). Early stage network engagement strategies in the network capability development of new ventures. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. doi:10.1108/jbim-11-2019-0484. Details |
2023 | DRUMMOND, C., MCGRATH, H., O'TOOLE, T. (2023). Beyond the platform: Social media as a multi-faceted resource in value creation for entrepreneurial firms in a collaborative network. Journal of Business Research, 158. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113669. Details |
2022 | DRUMMOND, C., O'TOOLE, T., MCGRATH, H. (2022). Social Media resourcing of an entrepreneurial firm network: Collaborative mobilisation processes. Journal of Business Research, 145, 171 - 187. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.02.046. Details |
2011 | O'TOOLE, T., MCGRATH, H. (2011). Challenges in implementing the market-as-networks approach to marketing for SMEs. Irish Marketing Review, 21. |