Dr Ciara Fitzgerald

Ciara Fitzgerald


Business Information Systems
University College Cork
Cork University Business School

[email protected] ORCID profile


Dr Ciara Fitzgerald is a facultymember at the Cork University Business School. Her research and teachinginterests lie at the intersection of technology innovation, entrepreneurshipand strategy. Her research investigates (1) strategies used by universities andfirms to manage intellectual property and the commercialisation process, (2)strategies to engage citizens and policymakers in technology assessment, and(3) exploratory and applied research of innovative health information systems.Ciara has published widely in leading journals and influential volumes such asResearch Policy, Journal of Technology Transfer, Edward Elgar, Routledge andCambridge University Press. 

Prior to joining UCC as a faculty member, Ciaracompleted a senior postdoctoral fellowship at UCC with Prof Frederic Adam and a postdoctoral fellowshipat the Smurfit School of Business, UCD with Dr Rory O Shea. She was awarded her PhD from theNational University of Ireland, Galway.  Ciara’sindustry experience includes consulting experience at Accenture. During hertime there she gained valuable experience working on a multitude of projectsfor clients in the financial services sector. She is Co Director of the HealthInformation Systems Research Centre in the Department of Business InformationSystems in UCC. 

Grants and Honours

  • 01/01/2011 - Highly Commended Prize for Research Poster, ISSP Doctorial Colloquium
  • 01/01/2011 - Best Graduate Student Literature Review Prize, Association University Technology Managers Foundation
  • 01/01/2011 - Awarded PRTLI Post Doctoral Fellowship to undertake post doctoral research, PRTLI
  • 01/01/2008 - Awarded PRTLI Doctoral Fellowship to undertake doctoral research, PRTLI
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Other Activities

  • 01/07/2017 - R&D Management Conference
  • 22/06/2016 - IFIP WG 8.3 DSS 2016 Conference
  • 10/06/2014 - Electronic Government 13th IFIP W.G. 8.5 International Conference
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Research Domains

  • Evaluating Early Stage Technology to MBS Innovation in European Business
  • Health Innovation Policy
  • Health Information Systems
  • National Innovation Systems
  • Technology Assessment
  • Technology Transfer
  • Academic Entrepreneurship
  • University Spinoff Companies
  • University IP Models
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Journal article

Year Publication
2018 WALSH, E., SAHM, L. J., KEARNEY, P., KERINS, D., SMITHSON, H., NGWA, C., ... BRADLEY, C. (2018). The PHARMS (Patient Held Active Record of Medication Status) feasibility study: A research proposal. BMC Research Notes, 11 (1). Details
2016 FITZGERALD, C., CUNNINGHAM, J. A. (2016). Inside the university technology transfer office: mission statement analysis. Journal of Technology Transfer, 41 (5), 1235 - 1246. doi:10.1007/s10961-015-9419-6. Details
2015 GEOGHEGAN, W., O'KANE, C., FITZGERALD, C. (2015). Technology transfer offices as a nexus within the triple helix: The progression of the university's role. International Journal of Technology Management, 68 (3-4), 255 - 277. doi:10.1504/IJTM.2015.069660. Details
2015 O'KANE, C., MANGEMATIN, V., GEOGHEGAN, W., FITZGERALD, C. (2015). University technology transfer offices: The search for identity to build legitimacy. Research Policy, 44 (2), 421 - 437. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2014.08.003. Details
2014 CSAKI, C., FITZGERALD, C., O'REILLY, P., ADAM, F. (2014). Towards the institutionalisation of parliamentary technology assessment: The case for Ireland. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 8 (3), 315 - 334. doi:10.1108/TG-09-2013-0031. Details
2017 WALSH, E., SAHM, L. J., KEARNEY, P., SMITHSON, W. H., BYRNE, D., KERINS, D., ... MCCARTHY, S. (2017). The Patient Held Active Record of Medication Status (PHARMS) Feasibility Study. International Journal of Integrated Care. doi:10.5334/ijic.3329. Details
2014 CSAKI, C., FITZGERALD, C., O'REILLY, P., ADAM, F. (2014). Towards the institutionalisation of parliamentary technology assessment: The case for Ireland. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. doi:10.1108/TG-09-2013-0031. Details
2020 MCCARTHY, S., ROWAN, W., LYNCH, L., FITZGERALD, C. (2020). Blended Stakeholder Participation for Responsible Information Systems Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04733. Details
2022 MCCARTHY, S., FITZGERALD, C., SAHM, L., BRADLEY, C., WALSH, E. K. (2022). Patient-held health IT adoption across the primary-secondary care interface: a Normalisation Process Theory perspective. Health Systems, 11 (1), 17-29. doi:10.1080/20476965.2020.1822146. Details
2021 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2021). Shared and fragmented understandings in interorganizational IT project teams: An interpretive case study. International Journal of Project Management, 39 (7), 762-773. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2021.07.003. Details
2019 , WALSH, E. K., SAHM, L. J., BRADLEY, C., DALTON, K., O'SULLIVAN, K., ... KEARNEY, P. M. (2019). The Patient-Held Active Record of Medication Status (PHARMS) study: a mixed-methods feasibility analysis. British Journal of General Practice, 69 (682), 345-355. doi:10.3399/bjgp19X702413. Details
2019 WALSH, E. K., SAHM, L. J., BRADLEY, C., DALTON, K., O'SULLIVAN, K., MCCARTHY, S., ... KEARNEY, P. M. (2019). The Patient-Held Active Record of Medication Status (PHARMS) study: a mixed-methods feasibility analysis. British Journal of General Practice, 69 (682), e345-e355. doi:10.3399/bjgp19x702413. Details
2015 OCAOIMH, R., SWEENEY, C., HYNES, H., MCGLADE, C., CORNALLY, N., DALY, E., ... MOLLOY, W. (2015). COLLaboration on AGEing-COLLAGE: Ireland's three star reference site for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). European Geriatric Medicine, 6 (5), 505 - 511. doi:10.14283/jfa.2015.40. Details
2022 FLYNN, G., NAGLE, T., FITZGERALD, C. (2022). Data Evolution in Times of Crisis: an Organisational Mindfulness Perspective. Information Systems Frontiers. doi:10.1007/s10796-022-10275-4. Details


Year Publication
2020 CUNNINGHAM, J., HARNEY, B., FITZGERALD, C. (2020). Effective Technology Transfer Offices. A Business Model Framework. SpringerBriefs in Business.

Book chapter

Year Publication
2016 DELVENNE, P., BENEDIKT, R., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2016). Making technology assessment accessible to new players. Policy-Oriented Technology Assessment Across Europe: Expanding Capacities (pp. 124 - 130). Palgrave Macmillan.
2015 FITZGERALD, C., O'SHEA, R. P. (2015). An analysis of the development of the Irish technology transfer system. University Technology Transfer: The Globalization of Academic Innovation (pp. 202 - 225). Taylor and Francis Inc.
2014 FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2014). Assessing policy making for ICT innovation: A decision support research agenda. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Details
2014 FITZGERALD, C., LEDWITH, M., O’SHEA, R. (2014). The role of the technology transfer office in promoting University-Industry collaboration. Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship, Second Edition: How Technology and Entrepreneurship are Shaping the Development of Industries and Companies (pp. 262 - 283). Edward Elgar Publishing.
2014 O’SHEA, R. P., FITZGERALD, C., CHUGH, H., ALLEN, T. J. (2014). University-based entrepreneurship: A synthesis of the literature. Building Technology Transfer Within Research Universities: An Entrepreneurial Approach. Cambridge University Press.
2016 ADAM, F., FITZGERALD, C. (2016). Ageing and Technology Decision-making: A Framework for Assessing Uncertainty. Ageing and Technology. Transcript Verlag.
2016 FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2016). Ireland's Technology Transfer Policy. Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy: Agent-based Modelling using the SKIN Platform. Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
2016 DELVENNE, P., ROSSKAMP, B., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2016). Making Technology Assessment Accessible to New Players. Palgrave Macmillan.
2021 FITZGERALD, C., CUNNINGHAM, J. A., MENTER, M., NYUUR, R. B. (2021). Strategy processes in technology transfer offices: Antecedents and consequences. FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 71 - 87). Springer Publishing. Details


Year Publication
2015 FITZGERALD, C., ROSSKAMP, B. (2015). PACITA "User" Summer Schools in Liège 2012 and Cork 2014. 2nd European TA conference: The next Horizon of Technology Assessment.


Year Publication
2014 O'FLAHERTY, B., PRAMATARI, K., KATZENSTEIN, L., FITZGERALD, C. (2014). Entrepreneurial teaching and research in is. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
2012 FITZGERALD, C., CUNNINGHAM, J., O'KANE, C. (2012). Setting Strategic Direction in Technology Transfer Offices. Academy of Management Proceedings. Details
2019 O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., MCCARTHY, S., ADAM, F. (2019). Distributed ISD Team Leadership and the Paradox of Cohesion and Conflict. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
2018 MCCARTHY, S., O’RAGHALLAIGH, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2018). Exploring the Nuances of 'Wickedness' in Information Systems Development. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Details
2019 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2019). Towards a Framework for Shared Understanding and Shared Commitment in Agile Distributed ISD Project Teams. Association of Information Systems.
2019 MCCARTHY, S., O’RAGHALLAIGH, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2019). Distributed ISD Team Leadership and the Paradox of Cohesion and Conflict. Association for Information Systems.
2017 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2017). A Typology for Organizational ICT Practice. Association for Information Systems.
2016 FITZGERALD, C., MCCARTHY, S., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y., CONNOR, Y. O., LYNCH, L., ADAM, F. (2016). Citizen participation in decision-making: can one make a difference? Journal of Decision Systems. Details
2018 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2018). Social complexity and team cohesion in multiparty information systems development projects. Journal of Decision Systems. Details
2016 FITZGERALD, C., MCCARTHY, S., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., ADAM, F. (2016). Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Can one make a difference?. Details
2017 MCCARTHY, S., O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2017). Impacts of openness on the success of information system development research projects. Association for Computing Machinery. Details
2018 MCCARTHY, S., FITZGERALD, C., O'REILLY, P., ADAM, F. (2018). Theorising antecedents of cohesion and conflict in distributed ISD project teams. Association for Information Systems.
2020 MCCARTHY, S., O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2020). Building Bridges, Burning Bridges: The Use of Boundary Objects in Agile Distributed ISD Teams. University of Hawaii. Details
2020 O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., MCCARTHY, S., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2020). Intergroup Participation in Distributed ISD: Reviving an Established Tradition for new Contexts. Association for Information Systems.
2020 MCCARTHY, S., O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2020). Towards a framework for shared understanding and shared commitment in agile distributed ISD project teams. ECIS.
2020 BARRETT, G., FITZGERALD, C. (2020). Frank and Honest: a future sustainable business model? The Case Centre.
2016 FITZGERALD, C., CARTON, F., O'CONNOR, Y., LYNCH, L., ADAM, F. (2016). Citizen participation in decision-making and the shaping of new technologies: can one make a difference? Journal of Decision Systems. Details
2017 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2017). A typology for organizational ICT practice. HICSS.
2020 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2020). Building bridges, burning bridges: The use of boundary objects in agile distributed ISD teams. HICSS.
2021 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2021). The rise and fall of collective identity: Understanding antecedents and inhibitors of social identification in distributed teams. HICSS.
2021 , MCCARTHY, S., O'RAGHALLAIGH, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2021). The Rise and Fall of Collective Identity: Understanding Antecedents and Inhibitors of Social Identification in Distributed Teams. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Details
2018 MCCARTHY, S., O'REILLY, P., FITZGERALD, C., ADAM, F. (2018). Exploring the nuances of ‘wickedness’ in information systems development. HICSS.
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