Dr Brendan McElroy
Economics EC 2.37 Áras na Laoi Cork University Business School University College Cork
Dr. Brendan McElroy's research interests are in health economics, particularly social determinants of health, economic evaluation of health technologies and financing healthcare . He has been published in highly regarded academic journals such as Social Science and Medicine and the British Medical Journal Open. He has secured competitive research funding from the European Commission and the Health Research Board of Ireland.
He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Guideline Development at the Health Information and Quality Authority, Ireland.
His recent work has been on the social determinants of health, including the food system and the effects of both housing and education on health and health inequalities. His work on economic evaluation of health technologies includes extensive applications in maternity care in Ireland and suicide prevention. His work on healthcare financing include research on changes to the Irish system of hospital financing, and risk-adjustment in primary care. He is interested in financing and delivery of health care systems in developing countries, having worked on the demand for prevention and treatment of malaria in Africa.
His teaching interests are in health economics, microeconomics and research methods. He has lectured at undergraduate level to BA, BA (Economics through Transformational Learning), BSc (Nursing) and BSc (Public Health) and at postgraduate level to MSc Health Economics and Postgraduate Diploma (Health Economics Practice). He has conducted He has supervised several Masters theses and one PhD thesis.
Grants and Honours
- 01/01/2024 - Horizon Europe - Hidden Hunger (Co-Investigator)
- 01/01/2019 - HRB - Evaluation of the impact and implementation of a national clinical programme for the management of self-harm in hospital emergency departments (Collaborator).
- 01/01/2018 - OVPTL (UCC) / Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund - Teaching in the 21st Century - Engaging Students in Active Learning using Student Response Systems (Co-PI).
- 01/01/2008 - Office of President, UCC - Using multi-media in the teaching of economics (Co-PI).
- 01/01/2004 - Safe Food Ireland - A latent class analysis of diet on the island of Ireland (Co-PI).
- 01/01/2003 - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - DEmand for Malaria Treatment And Prevention (DEMTAP) (Collaborator).
- 01/01/2003 - VHI/HRB Research Fellowship - An analysis of the determinants of GMS prescribing expenditure in Ireland (Research Fellow).
- 01/01/2000 - A weighted capitation model for GMS prescribing in Ireland, University College Cork, Ireland.
- 01/01/1998 - Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Office, UK - The Hidden Cost of Clinical Audit (Co-PI).
Other Activities
- 2021 - Conference Presentation - Housing Quality and Health Inequalities in Europe, Great Britain.
- 2020 - Member of Scientific Advisory Group on Guideline Development at HIQA, Department of Health, Ireland.
- 2020 - Refereed a manuscript for PLOS One in 2020.
- 2021 - Conference Presentation - Annual cost of self-harm in Irish public hospitals, Great Britain.
- 2019 - Conference Presentation - The effect of education on health inequalities in Europe, Iceland.
- 2018 - Reviewed a manuscript per year in Health Economics in 2018, 2019, 2020.
- 2017 - Refereed two manuscripts for GRHTA in 2020 and 2017
- 2009 - Commissioned Research - Economic Evaluation of enhanced care for at-risk mothers and pregnant women in Ireland, Bessbourough House.
- An Analysis of the Determinants of Expenditure on Prescribed Medicine in the General Medical Services in Ireland. University of Edinburgh, 2004.
Journal article
Year | Publication |
2023 | MCELROY, B., WALSH, E., A happy home? Socio-economic inequalities in depressive symptoms and the role of housing quality in nine European countries, BMC Public Health. Details |
2021 | LUCEY, S., MCELROY, B., MCINALLY, L., SUPPLE, B. Enhancing student engagement and self-evaluation using student response systems. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. Details |
2021 | JABAKHANJI, S.B., SORENSEN, J., VALENTELYTE, G., BURKE, L.A., MCELROY, B., MURPHY, A. Assessing direct healthcare costs when restricted to self-reported data: a scoping review. Details |
2021 | GRIFFIN, E.,MCHUGH, S.,JEFFERS, A.,GUNNELL, D.,ARENSMAN, E.,PERRY, I.J.,CULLY, G.,MCELROY, B. MAXWELL, M.,CHANG, S. ET AL. Evaluation of the impact and implementation of a national clinical programme for the management of self-harm in hospital emergency departments: study protocol for a natural experiment, BMJ Open. Details |
2019 | HAYES-RYAN, D., HEMMING, K., BREATHNACH, F., COTTER, A., DEVANE, D., HUNTER, A., MCAULIFFE, F.F., MORRISON, J.J., MURPHY, D.J., KHASHAN, A. and MCELROY, B. (2019). PARROT Ireland: Placental growth factor in Assessment of women with suspected pre-eclampsia to reduce maternal morbidity: a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomised Control Trial Research Study Protocol. BMJ open, 9(2), p.e023562. Details |
2018 | S, A., BURKE, L. A., MCELROY, B., P, C., EM, M., H, K. (2018). A cost-effectiveness analysis of school-based suicide prevention programmes. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Details |
2017 | MCELROY, B. Empirically derived weights for GMS capitation payments to General Practitioners. Irish Journal of Medical Science. Details |
2017 | FAWSITT, C., BOURKE, J., MURPHY, A., LUTOMSKI, J., MCELROY, B., MURPHY, R., GREENE, R. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Two Alternative Models of Maternity Care in Ireland. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. Details |
2017 | FAWSITT, C., BOURKE, J., GREENE, R., MCELROY, B., KRUCIEN, N., MURPHY, R., LUTOMSKI, J. What do women want? Valuing women's preferences and estimating demand for alternative models of maternity care using a discrete choice experiment.. Health Policy. Details |
2017 | O'DONNELL, B.D, WALSH, K., MURPHY, A., MCELROY, B., IOHOM, G., SHORTEN G.D. An evaluation of operating room throughput in a stand-alone soft-tissue trauma operating theatre, Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Details |
2017 | FAWSITT, C., BOURKE, J., LUTOMSKI, J. , MEANEY, S. McELROY, B., MURPHY, R., GREENE, R. What women want: Exploring pregnant women’s preferences for alternative models of maternity care, Health Policy. Details |
2015 | MURPHY A; MCCARTHY FP; MCELROY B; KHASHAN AS; SPILLANE N; MARCHOCKI Z; SARKAR RK; HIGGINS JR. Day care versus inpatient management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: cost utility analysis of a randomised controlled trial, European Journal Of Obstetrics, Gynecology, And Reproductive Biology. Details |
2014 | MCCARTHY FP; MURPHY A; KHASHAN AS; MCELROY B; SPILLANE N; MARCHOCKI Z; SARKAR R; HIGGINS JR, Daycare compared with inpatient management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Details |
2014 | MURPHY, A., MCELROY, B., Patient level costing in Ireland: process, challenges and opportunities, Irish Journal of Medical Science. Details |
2013 | MURPHY, A., MCELROY, B. An economic analysis of money follows the patient. Irish Journal of Medical Science. Details |
2009 | MCELROY, B.; WISEMAN, V.; MATOVU, F.; MWENGEE, W., Malaria prevention in north-eastern Tanzania: patterns of expenditure and determinants of demand at the household level, Malaria Journal. Details |
2008 | WISEMAN, V.; SCOTT, A.; CONTEH, L.; MCELROY, B.; STEVENS, W., Determinants of provider choice for malaria treatment: Experiences from The Gambia, Social Science & Medicine. Details |
2008 | HARRINGTON J; FRIEL S; THUNHURST C; KIRBY A; MCELROY B, Obesogenic island: the financial burden of private transport on low-income households, Journal of Public Health. Details |
2007 | WISEMAN, V.; CONTEH, L.; SCOTT, A.; MCELROY, B.; STEVENS, W., Determinants of bed net use in the Gambia: implications for Malaria control, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Details |
2006 | WISEMAN, V.; MCELROY, B.; CONTEH, L.; STEVENS, W., Malaria prevention in The Gambia: patterns of expenditure and determinants of demand at the household level, Tropical Medicine & International Health. Details |
2003 | KIRBY, A.; MCELROY, B. The effect of attendance on grade for first-year economics students in University College Cork, Economic and Social Review. |
2000 | LOCK, P., MCELROY, B., MACKENZIE, M., The hidden cost of clinical audit: a questionnaire study of NHS staff, Health Policy. Details |
Book chapter
Year | Publication |
2021 | MCDAID, D. KENNELLY, B. AHERN, S. MCELROY, B., An economic perspective on suicide across the five continents, Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention. Details |
2007 | MCELROY, B.; CONSIDINE, J.; ELKINS, J. (2007). A Wandering Image of the Sirens. Visual Practices Across the University. Brill | Fink Details |