Student & Staff Coaching in Higher Education Seminar & Workshop

From: 14 Jun 2019 - 11:00 To: 14 Jun 2019 - 13:00

Student & Staff Coaching in Higher Education Seminar & Workshop

The aim of this interactive seminar is to reveal best practice implementation of staff-to-staff and staff-to -student coaching programmes, how the best results are obtained and what needs to be in place to achieve optimum outputs.


The seminar is part of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education national seminar series* and will be of particular interest to academics (lecturers, programme coordinators etc.), professional and staff and students in HEIs who are interested in learning about how coaching can support HE staff, the student experience and improve and contribute to student success.

The seminar will be delivered and facilitated by Dr. Jill Andreanoff, Educational & Leadership Coach, HEI Consultant and author of Coaching and Mentoring in Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide to Exemplary Practice plus other academic papers on evidence-based impact of coaching. Jill is Former Head of Mentoring & Coaching at the University of Hertfordshire and now supports other institutions.

Date  Friday 14 June
Time  11 am - 2 pm
Venue  Creative Zone, Boole Library
Registration Free. Register here
Schedule 11.00   Registration (teas and coffees)

11.15   Presentation Dr. Jill Andreanoff
12.00   Interactive Workshop
13.00   Refreshments/ team coffee

Workshop Content

On completion of the workshop, participants will be able to: 

  • Develop and implement a coaching programme for a particular module, programme or group.
  • Develop and promote coaching as a mechanism to improve the student learning experience and improve student engagement and participation

 Topics covered will include:

  • Selection process for coaches and coachees 
  • Coach training requirements
  • Coachee induction – what works best for sustained coaching relationships?
  • Expected coordinator hours required to deliver an exemplary practice programme
  • Model of coaching to be adopted (cognitive coaching vs unidirectional etc.)
  • Coaching supervision requirements 
  • Evaluating impact – how to integrate evaluation into the coaching process, the workshop will highlight how mentoring and peer coaching interventions have been successfully incorporated to support a range of objectives from supporting mental health, the widening participation agenda and minority groups to improving employability.  

A case study of exemplary practice HEI coaching programme will be presented demonstrating the impact on student attainment.

This will be followed by a facilitated interactive group session which will help participants develop their own exemplary practice programme thereby helping to avoid the most common pitfalls.

Participant registration

Participation is free however as numbers are limited and for catering purposes, participants are requested to register in advance here.

Further EVENT information

Please contact Dr. Carol Kelleher, 
Lecturer and Coach, CUBS, College of Business and Law, UCC 
Email: [email protected]

* This National Forum for the Enhancement for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Seminar is delivered in conjunction with College of Business and Law and Cork University Business School Learning and Teaching Committees.


Venue: Creative Zone, Boole Library, UCC